11- Therapy + School

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[Tommys Pov:]

I woke up quite early, partially because i went to bed early and also because im nervous for this school and therapy shit.

I sat up in my warm bed sheets, looking down at Tubbo, he was fast asleep still. I sighed and got down from my high bed, getting out some clothes. After a while of deciding i chose a bomber jacket and some casual jeans with a red and white top underneath the jacket.

I quickly got changed and then put everything away, tidying up at bit you could say.

I sat up to my desk, everything hitting me.

I hadn't cut in a long time, i haven't vaped in a few days and it all began to catch up to me.

However i paved through my emotions and decided to go down stairs, getting breakfast. Techno always talked about how important breakfast was, i never got it but i would always follow their footsteps like the younger brother i was.

I sat up to the table after making some cereal and grabbing some juice. I slowly ate, checking the time to see how longer everyone would be asleep for. It was currently 8 am so i had an hour or two.

Or so i thought.

Out of no where my twat brother Wilbur decides to fucking scare me, jabbing his hands on my shoulders as he made a stupid noise before laughing his arse off at my reaction.

"Its not funny!!" Id protest, continuing to eat my cereal.

"Sure, sure."

"Anyway, you excited for school and shit?" Hed continue and id shrug.

"Don't really care." Id mumble, putting my bowl away.

"Fair, well ill see you in a bit im gonna go annoy Technoblade." Hed smirk, rushing off.


I sat up to my desk, dad figuring out how to set it all up before i eventually got it. Now i was on call with this teacher, scary as.

"Oh! Hello! Tommy right?" She'd ask and Philza would leave.

"Yeah." Id say bluntly, half because im nervous and half because i despise school.

"Great, well im Miss. Nihachu but you can call me Niki! Today we aren't gonna do much, just gonna be so i can get to know you better!" Niki would explain, watching me as i leant back in my chair, legs crossed.

"Okay." Id say, fiddling with a fidget cube Will had given me a while back.

"Alright, cool. So, how's your family?" She'd ask, smiling softly.

"Uh, good, got My dad..my step mum, my brothers, Will and Tubbo, and then my oldest sibling Techno." Id smile  i liked talking about my family as they are my comfort i guess.

"Ooh, brilliant! Well, i hear you have therapy later, thats with my friend Ranboo so you'll be in safe hands!! He's really nice." Id nod, happy that it was someone who was connected in some shape of form.

"You have any special interests? Some of my other students love different animals or science stuff!" She'd smile, her cat coming on screen.

"Aw cat." Id giggle and then continue. "Uhh, i don't know really, i like my keyboard but my brothers are always stealing it. I like listening to Techno talk about Greek mythology, they love that stuff. I really like Minecraft and stuff too." Id grin.

"Ooh very nice, very nice." She'd say over dramatically.

I got a knock at my door and looked over, then back at Niki, then back to the door.

[The 'Perfect' Family] -A SBI Book Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat