28. I dont want this.

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay man?" I said worried about what was going through my mind.

"What's the year?" He said looking out the window at the LA sun.

"It's 2024, do you remember anything?" I questioned, he seemed odd, the doctor did say he might suffer from memory loss. I pressed the button to alert a nurse so they knew Colby was awake.

"I'm Colby right?"

This was weird, something was wrong.

"Yeah, Colby Brock?"

"Perfect" he smiled and that's when I realised his eyes weren't the normal icy blue, they were dark and evil looking.

Then the door opened and a nurse walked in smiling wide, "Mr Brock, your awake, that's good" she came over and checked Colby's vitals as he watched her every move.

"Your quite a pretty little thing" Colby said smiling over at the nurse who blushed at his words but kept her distance.

"I'm not sure your girlfriend would approve of your words towards me" the nurse said as she looked towards me with a slight frown on her face.

She was right, she'd spoken to Harley many times and actually got along quite well, my eyebrows knitted together as I looked at Colby funny. He was never like this, he loved Harley so why was he acting like this.

"It doesn't matter what she thinks, I can admire a nice thing when I see one" his dimpled smile grew as the nurse looked at me again with a shocked face.

"Colby, I know your my best friend but your taking it too far" I said as he looked at me with a smirk.

"Well things are gunna be different from now on, I feel like a new man" he smirked again taking my coffee cup and drinking the rest.

"You don't like coffee?" I questioned, something was very wrong.

"I do now, like I said a new man" he out the cup down and watched at the nurse walked out the door.

"Oh damn she had a fine ass, did you see?" He said a huge smirk on his face, groaning slightly.

"Colby this has to be a joke, why are you acting like this?"

"Come on man, lighten up, I can window shop all I want, especially when the woman I'm with isn't the best thing to look at"

I was shocked, this wasn't the Colby I knew. He was different and I didn't like it. I stayed calm hoping this was just some kind of joke he was playing on me.

The door opened and Harley walked in looking a lot better then before, her hair was clean and curly again and the bags under her eyes were less puffy then before.

"Colby y-your awake!" She smiled running straight over to him and grabbing him hand.

"Yeah, I am" he said now with a scrawl on his face.

"Y-You okay? H-hurt a-anyway?" She asked worried for him.

"I'm fine. Why are you here?" He questioned and Harley stood back a bit, shocked by his words.

"I w-was worried" she said looking at me with a sad expression.

"Well you don't need to worry I'm fine" he said giving her a evil smile.

The doctor walked in and smiled at us, "hello Mr Brock, I'm glad to see you awake, how are you feeling?" He asked checking the clip board the nurse left.

"A lot better, when can I leave?" Colby asked with a bored expression.

"Everything is looking good and you'll be ready to leave in 10 minutes, happy with that?" The doctor said looking at Harley and myself with a confused expression.

"That's great, let's hurry this along" Colby said moving the sheets and getting ready to stand up.

The doctor walked out and Harley and I walked outside to let Colby get changed into his clothes. Harley sighed and pulled her hand through her hair, stress evident on her face.

"W-Why's be a-acting l-like that?" Harley asked and I shock my head just as confused as her.

"I honestly don't know, he woke up asking what year it was and what was his name, then he looked at his hands and felt his hair as if he doesn't know who he is" I explained running my own hands through my hair, worried about my friend.

"Maybe w-we should get L-Lisa to speak t-to h-him?" She said and I nodded.

"I think that's the best idea" I said and then Colby hospital door opened.

"Come on, I wanna go home" he said walking straight past us and both Harley and I looked at each other confused.

"We need to figure out what's going on as soon as"

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