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He's close.

I can feel his breath.

But when I look behind me, I see nothing.

This causes fear and something else to rise from the pit of my stomach.

I can't see anything.
Like nothing at all. Its all black. I can't even see my hands, but I keep running.

I have to. Because, I know that if I stop, he'll get me and something bad will happen.

What it is, I do not know.
But I know I can't let it happen.

So, I keep running. And running. And running.
Till I feel my chest burning and my limbs aching.

I still keep running.

I can't see where I am going, but I keep running anyway.

I step on something and soon I am falling in the darkness. I try to scream, but my voice is gone, no sound comes out of my mouth.

"You cannot run for long, little girl"

I hear a deep voice say, just as I fall into something solid.

I feel pain.
So much pain and then I blackout.


   Meredith 'Ditta' Reid sighed as she got up from her bed. Something she found harder and harder to do as the days went by.

She winced as her feet touched the cold floor, it was still early January and Ditta felt it every single morning that her feet touched the bare floor because her indoor slippers were a little bit too far from her bed. And this seemed to happen every morning. She kept forgetting to move the slippers closer to the bed at night.

The cold from the floor woke her up a little bit as she put on her slippers and trudged sleepily to the bathroom.

She put toothpaste on her brush as she tried to avoid looking at the mirror. She also did that alot these days. Not that her mom would not remind her about how tired she looked, while looking at her worriedly.

She would then try to convince her mom that she was fine and sleeping okay.  She would tell her that school was just getting to her (though school literally opened last week).

She sighed as her eyes finally meet the reflection she had been trying to avoid.

Straight brown hair, a straight nose, pale skin and amber eyes stared at her. Ditta was beautiful and she knew it. But being naturally beautiful did not hide the bags under her eyes or the acne that was beginning to appear on her face because of her lack of sleep. It also did not change her dislike for her eyes.

Yes, her eyes.

Ditta hated her eyes because it was one of the reasons her dad always argued with her mom before he finally left them when she was ten.

There was nothing wrong with amber eyes, but both her parents were blue-eyed. 
Her dad was always convinced that she was not his daughter and when a DNA test was done to confirm her parentage, he said she was a freak. He blamed her mom for not giving him a normal child.

It was not her fault that she was different, it wasn't her fault also that her eyes changed colors when she was angry or emotional.

Blood Descendant Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang