After sipping my banana milk, I decided to start reading this book. The cover was quite attractive. As soon as I read the first line, I was taken away. I was in shock because I could relate so much to it. After reading the first line, I felt like the author was reading me and explaining my existence in his book.

The line :

Tears welled in my eyes, not just from the beauty of the prose but from the recognition that, in those pages, I had found a companion who understood the intricacies of a life marked by shame and the ceaseless quest for understanding

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Tears welled in my eyes, not just from the beauty of the prose but from the recognition that, in those pages, I had found a companion who understood the intricacies of a life marked by shame and the ceaseless quest for understanding.

As I closed the book, the lively cafeteria around me seemed to mock my inner turmoil. Students enjoyed the company of friends, sharing laughs and conversations.

Their genuine smiles highlighted the stark difference from my perpetual sense of isolation. Tears welled up as I questioned my existence, wiping them away before standing up.

Walking past students immersed in joy, I wondered 'Why I never had a friend who truly understood me'. Their camaraderie only deepened my loneliness. Wiping away tears, I pondered this as I headed to my locker. Grabbing my bag, I decided to leave school to seek solace, expressing to the principal my desire to leave due to feeling unwell.

The principal tried involving my brothers, he said, "Let me inform one of your brothers." He then called Seokjin, but luck was on my side as he didn't answered. Seizing the moment, I said, "Sir, my brothers might be in a meeting. Please let me leave; I'm already feeling unwell."

The principal sighed and relented, "Fine, but please inform your brothers." I nodded and left without a clear destination in mind. The weight of everything around me felt overwhelming, pushing me to the brink.


Eventually, I found myself at the Han River, standing at the edge, contemplating whether to embrace the cold waters below.

Closing my eyes, I let the chilly breeze caress my face, but a deep sigh escaped me, and I opened my eyes. Choosing not to take that drastic step, I stepped away from the edge and sat on a nearby bench, surrounded by the echoes of my inner turmoil.

Feeling overwhelmed and desperate, I contemplated ending it all. The world seemed like a mess, and I yearned for an escape. Standing up, I looked around, feeling like a complete stranger in my own life.

My head was spinning, emotions reaching their peak. The urge to yell and scream consumed me, but in that moment, the thought of one of my brothers crossed my mind, and I resolved to go to his company.


Standing outside Yoongi's company, I took a deep breath before stepping inside. The guard questioned my presence, asking if I had a scheduled meeting with the CEO. I shook my head, indicating no. Faced with this, I decided to call Yoongi, hoping he could help me gain entry.


Me: "Hey .... Oppa"

Yoongi: "Oppa? .... Nevermind why did you called me Y/N?"

Me: "Actually I'm standing outside your company. Can you let the guard to let me in ?"

Yoongi: "Ok I'll."

- Call ends -

After a brief wait, a man approached me and confirmed my identity. He led me through the building, and soon I found myself standing in front of Yoongi's office. Gathering my courage, I entered the room to find Yoongi engrossed in his work.

Hesitant, I greeted him with a soft voice saying, "Hey oppa." He looked up, questioned me, "Hey , well weren't you supposed to be at school?". I explained, "My head was heavy. I felt suffocated."

He then gestured me to sit infront of him. And for the next few minutes, a comforting silence settled between us. It felt like he could grasp the unspoken turmoil within me.

As I leaned back in the chair, a sad chuckle escaped me. "Oppa, you know I was about to jump off the Han river. Isn't that crazy?" I laughed, a bitter sound more like mocking myself. Yoongi's eyes widened in shock as I revealed this.

His gaze softened, and he asked, "Are you okay, Y/N?" I scoffed; I despised that question, resenting whenever someone asked me if I was okay.I scoffed, a bitter response fueled by the frustration of being asked that question repeatedly.

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