sharing cigarettes

Start from the beginning

'The f**k?'

'How the actual f-'

as if reading Y/n's thoughts the obsidian eyed male answered "Nova sent me a message. That's how I knew."  Y/n stared at Elio's vacant expression before he put a hand to his face in embarrassment. 'Gods...How did I think he'd found out? stalking? I need to pull myself together.' 

Y/n bit the inside of his cheek "Yeah, she's back in her position." Elio stayed silent. "She told me the other detective...uh, died. Don't know how or who he was, regretfully. I hope they find the culprit."  Y/n put his palm to his cheek in contemplation. Fluttering his lashes over his eyes.

"It's been three years and they haven't found anything, about the murderer, I wouldn't count on it, especially if the police is so incompetent as now. I would be impressed if the police force found them."

The e/c eyed male opened one eye "You sound irked." 

"Of course I am, this person has been creating chaos in this town for ages. and the fact that it"s not even a big town and they haven't caught the murderer in three years is just sad."

Y/n closed his eyes again and hummed "Hm. I see your point.  But...I don't think that's the whole picture.." 

"What do you mean?"

Y/n shrugged "No it's nothing."

Elio stared at him for a few seconds but didn't pry for any more answers turning his gaze back to his work. The duo continued to work in silence for the rest of the lesson. Eventually, the bell sounded once again. Elio packed up his things without sparing the h/c haired boy another glance and left the room. The h/c boy was left alone in the classroom looking to the door where his chemistry partner had swiftly existed moments prior. 

'Did he have a tantrum because I wouldn't explain myself to him?' Y/n proceeded to collect his things and bid the teacher farewell as he began making his way to the bustling cafeteria.

"What?! You are partnered up with Elio Levine for chemistry?!" Kiara shoved her face near the e/c colored boy. Her eyes twinkled with inquisition. "Yes...that's what I said. like four times now." Kiara looked like she was about to faint in exhilaration, she leaned back in her chair to harshly grab Clark's arm who was sitting quietly next to the black haired girl "Clark! Did you hear that?" Clark gave her a tortured look "Yes."

 the female didn't regard the brunette further as she turned back to Y/n "That's like a blessing from the higher power above Y/n! Not only is he super intellect which guarantees a good grade, But he's so good-looking!" she mused "And you've been seeing the Pierce brothers as well! you have practically hit the jackpot!" 

Clark let out a humorless scoff at the girl's naivete. Kiara in return sent him a sharp look, but just as quickly her face turned back to a swooned grin directed at the h/c haired male "I'm not kidding! they're perfect, out of this world even!" 

"Perfect on the outside maybe."   Clark's comment once more made the female turn her eyes to him in an irritated scowl. "What's your problem with them?!" 

"What's your problem with them, Kiara? You're treating them as if they're some sort of saints just because they look attractive!"

"It's not just their looks! They're nice people! everyone knows that! you don't like them just because they keep to themselves but still are popular, they may seem like loners, but they are kind are individuals." 

As the two friends started bickering, Y/n internally sighed 'Clark seems hostile towards them. But why? Did something happen between them?' Y/n glanced back at the group sitting on the other side of the cafeteria. The e/c eyed boy locked eyes with Ezra. The ash blond smiled at him and waved. 'From what I've noticed talking with them and knowing them for years...Kiara is right.'

MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Killers X M! reader]Where stories live. Discover now