the chemistry assignment

Start from the beginning

The h/c haired male looked him up and down, he was wearing the standard school uniform, but there was one thing that stood out. 'Is Ezra wearing nail polish?¨ Y/n narrowed his eyes slightly, Ezra was indeed wearing a coating of black nail polish, 'Hm, he is, it looks nice' he raised his head back to meet sights with the blue-eyed male.

¨Do you wanna take a walk together around school before classes start?¨ Ezra asked

¨ Yeah sure¨

The males were walking through the limited lit up school hallway. There was a comforting silence the first few minutes of the walk, Y/n had one question itching at his curiosity ¨How have you been, around these times?¨ Ezra glanced at him ¨I've been good.¨" The h/c bit the inside of his cheek debating whether he should continue. ¨And what about the serial killer in town?¨

Ezra stopped walking. Y/n looked back at him ¨You okay?¨ The ash blond gave him an intense stare but before y/n could blink Ezra gave him a small uncomfortable smile. ¨Sorry, you are one of the only people I've heard speak so..openly? about the problems in town, most people dance around the subjects¨

Y/n gave him a befuddled expression ¨Why?¨ Ezra shrugged ¨People think it's taboo, as though mentioning it directly will bring bad luck or something.¨

¨Do you believe that?¨

Ezra gave him a dubious look ¨No..not really. But most people do so it's just a little surprising hearing someone even say the word 'serial killer in a sentence.¨

¨Ï can see why they're scared to mention it though¨ Ezra shot him a confused look ¨why do you say that?¨

¨Well..¨"Y/n pursued his lips in thoughtfulness ¨For example if you say something conservational and it falls on the wrong ears..¨ He bit his lip ¨Well maybe not that morbid, but perhaps also to respect the family and friends of the victims?¨ Ezra hummed in agreement ¨I see both your points, they both make sense in a way, i think it is a mix of the two, fear but wanting to show respect, yet maybe also denial?¨

Y/n nodded ¨ I could definitely see people being in some sort of denial around here, like a form of ' don't see, don't hear, don't speak¨

¨ You're really smart, you know that right? maybe you should become the lead detective.¨

The h/c haired chuckled nervously at the compliment ¨I don't know if I would be cut out for that job, and besides, my mom is back in her position as lead detective and is working on the case.¨

¨She is?¨

¨Yes, she told me on our car ride to Runswick that the sheriff asked her to take the case and she accepted.¨

¨Hm. I didn't know that.¨

¨Now you do.¨

Ezra put his hands in his pockets ¨So when did you come back to Runswick?¨ He shot the h/c haired a grin. ¨About two days ago.¨ Ezra's face dropped to a sad smile ¨May I ask why you didn't bother telling any of us? we could have helped you get settled into the school.¨ The male felt guilt tugging his chest as he stared at Ezra's face ¨ sorry i was just really busy.¨

¨ Were you busy or did you just forget us?¨

Y/n opened his mouth to debunk Ezra's statement

¨Because you didn't say goodbye to us when you left, so perhaps you really forgot us¨

¨...' The h/c haired male didn't know what to say he knew What the ash blond was partially true. He hadn't forgotten them because he didn't care. he did care about them, they had been his closest friends. Life had just gotten in the way, he knew it wasn't an excuse and he didn't know how he could make it up to them.

MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Killers X M! reader]Where stories live. Discover now