Raging Storms and Hidden Agendas

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"Greetings, young Bakugo. We have been waiting for you. I must ask you to make your best effort to be in time, if you value young Todoroki's time and well, my own time." A bald man said as Katsuki entered the room, which had no decorations at all. He would have laughed at him, if he didn't feel so furious.

"The fuck do you mean? The meeting was at six o'clock, and it's exactly..." Katsuki quickly pulled out his phone, and showed it to the old man. "Fucking six in the afternoon and five minutes! That's not late!" He could hear the Todoroki bastard sighing, which shouldn't have make him angrier in theory, but it did.

"Five minutes is a long time, boy. But let's not waste our time further. Please seat yourself and keep that phone on your pocket, or I am going to be obliged to notice your parents you aren't following the counseling meeting and..." God. So he was going to tell his parents about him not cooperating, which would probably result in no videogames for the weekend. Bakugo couldn't risk that, and he quickly sat down next to Todoroki, in the single chair placed in front of the bald guy. "I am Mr Anderson, but you can call me Woody. It's my first year working as a psychologist..."

Katsuki wanted this to be over, but he couldn't help but interrupt.

"Aren't you supposed to be the school's counselor? They didn't tell me this was therapy." He asked in a calm voice, choosing to pretend he was just curious and not simply angered at the mention of a therapist.

"Bakugo, counseling and therapy are essentially the same thing," Todoroki explained calmly, with a bored tone. "It's just different terminology. The school counselor is trained to help students deal with various issues." *

"I knew that! But therapy? That's fucking crazy! I can handle my own shit!" Bakugo had to say it, since Todoroki chose to pretend this had nothing to do with him, as if this was fair. , Bakugo's tone turned incredulous, his voice rising in protest, "It's just not fucking fair I have to be here with half and half of all the people. This is so absurd it's driving me mad. Why couldn't just suspend me for the day? A therapy session is too much to ask for."

"Bakugo, if you could just at least feign cooperation, this won't be able to last more than thirty minutes." So Todoroki thought he could order him around?

"Fucking feign cooperation just to please you, half-baked ice prince! You were the one to punch me, and now I am the one forced to go to this therapy bullshit because of it! And even worse, the real pussy here isn't even on the room! It's his fault we're even here. He's too weak to handle a real fight, and now I have to deal with this therapy crap because of him."

"What did you just call Midoriya?" None of Katsuki's words had earned any true attention from Half and Half, but the insult towards Midoriya seemed to work as a taunt.

Bakugo smiled. "Are you now deaf, half and half? I said he is a pussy." His tone was mocking and defiant, a smirk playing on his lips as he reveled in the confrontation.

"You have no right to belittle Izuku, Bakugo. Compared to him, you're honestly just a poorly behaved narcissist and an egomaniac, who thinks he's the bee's knees for some goddamn reason no one understands. You're just a pathetic, worn down human being. You're trash, Bakugo." Todoroki's voice dripped with disdain as he fired back

"Shut your damn mouth, Half and Half! You think you can lecture me? You're just a cold-hearted ice freak who doesn't know a thing about real strength! Calling me trash? You're the one who's useless, always holding back and hiding behind your ice! I'll show you who's the real hero here!" Bakugo stood up, hoping that Todoroki would take the bait and hit him first, which would probably send Todoroki to suspension, or worse for him, more therapy sessions.

However, Todoroki didn't react at all, and instead, Mr Anderson finally interrupted the fight, which reminded Bakugo that he existed in the first place, after having forgotten him.

"That is enough! If you both can't behave, you will have to assist with additional therapy sessions! And you might get expelled, young Bakugo, because you're on thin ice!" The man stood up, and he displayed a pathetic image as he lacked any control over the situation, despite being the only adult in the room.

With a sudden burst of fury, Bakugo lunged forward, grabbing Mr. Anderson by the collar and lifting him slightly off the chair. The psychologist's eyes widened in shock as Bakugo's grip tightened.

"You think you can make me stay here and listen to your bullshit?" Bakugo growled, his voice low and menacing. "I don't need your stupid therapy sessions! I'll show you what happens to anyone who tries to mess with me!"

Mr. Anderson struggled to break free, but Bakugo's hold was strong. Just as quickly as he had grabbed him, Bakugo released his grip and let Mr. Anderson slump back into the chair, stunned and speechless.

Bakugo turned and stormed out of the room, leaving a shaken Mr. Anderson behind him.

"I would report him if I were you" Bakugo heard Todoroki say from afar.


Shouto still remembered the man's puzzled stare as he chose to leave the room, since Mr Anderson wasn't reacting at all. He probably needed some space. Bakugo's violent demeanor gave him such a fright that he had rendered the psychologist in a daze.

"I need you today here." Was the message Todoroki got from Dabi.


When he arrived, he was instead greeted by Toga, much to his dismay. He preferred Dabi's playful cynicism and coldness than the blonde girl's unstable behavior.

"Shou-chan! I have been waiting for you. Dabi is busy right now! So I will be the one to explain your mission." As Todoroki nodded, she went on. "I have been watching your classmate, Izuku Midoriya!" He forced himself to not react at all. If she saw he cared about him... "I know he possesses valuable information kept in a book he always carries around! So... I want you to steal it from him."

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