The media

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Midoriya had just finished his training with Endeavor, and honestly, he was exhausted. The man had made him do hundreds of push-ups, in addition to finally teaching him how to keep his fire always intense until it turned blue.

"If you're not willing to give 100% all the time, you're wasting your time," Endeavor had shouted when Midoriya had used his flames without going to the maximum. After all, they had just started training.

"Yes, sir!" Izuku had responded, determined.

He had already said goodbye to Endeavor, and was about to leave when he ran into Todoroki, who was holding a plate of soba.

"Midoriya. I was hoping I could find you. Turns out, I have made way too much soba for me. Do you want to come and grab a bite with me?" Todoroki asked, a toothless smile on his face, as kind as ever.

"I don't want to overstay my welcome here..." Midoriya started, thinking of what Endeavor would say if he found him distracting his son from whatever activity he was doing. He had already told him goodbye. Would it be strange to still linger after? And so, he told Todoroki of this, painfully aware of how insecure he sounded.

"Midoriya, that's nonsense." Shouto said, frowning, " You can stay to eat if you want to." He insisted.

Once they were seated in one of the many dining rooms ("Here my father won't bother us", Todoroki had said), Midoriya spoke.

"You know... actually soba is my favorite food. You managed to cook it so well, too!" He said, grinning. Midoriya wouldn't have assumed Todoroki was such a great cook. In fact, he had thought they had some staff to cook them, since that's what most wealthy families did.


It was happening, Shouto thought, his heart racing. Finally, the opportunity had come to execute the league's plans. He still didn't know why the league wanted this plan to happen and why it was so important that it be executed properly, but he was going to do it anyway, even if blindly.

He had realized that this was the opportunity as soon as Aizawa announced, with complete disinterest, that class 1A would be training at a private park called Hero's Haven Training Grounds, which was designated for pro-hero training.

The park was a sprawling area with various terrains designed to simulate different environments for hero training. There were open fields for combat practice, dense forests for stealth and tracking exercises, and even urban areas to simulate rescue missions in a city setting. It was equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to enhance the students' training experience. Shouto had been to the park before, training with his father in his childhood, and that's why he knew that this park would be the perfect setting for the league's plan to unfold.However, there was an obstacle. As Dabi had indicated, the plan would require the attention of the press or some kind of recording that could be uploaded to the internet, which would be impossible due to the private nature of the park.

"Ask father." Dabi had simply said.

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