Cold fire strategy

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Izuku put on his costume, his heart racing. He still couldn't believe that he had not only made a friend, but also managed to get into UA. He felt giddy. After Mineta had been expelled, the class seemed nervous to go on, but Izuku guessed his teacher wouldn't expel any more people. After all, they were just 19 students now. He had heard the girls in he class say that it was a good riddance because Mineta was a huge creep. He also felt relieved to know such a person wouldn't be with them anymore.

His suit featured reinforced boots designed to withstand high temperatures. The soles of the boots were equipped with shock absorbers to help him handle the force of his powerful movements. Additionally, the suit had a lightweight, flame-resistant cape that could double as a shield when wrapped around him. The mask he wore was modified with a built-in, heat-resistant visor to protect his eyes from the intense flames he could create. The suit's design incorporated sleek lines and a stylized flame pattern, giving Izuku a distinctive and kind of imposing appearance. At least that's what his dad told him when he announced he had gone through his things and found his design drawn in one of his notebooks.
As if his words mattered.


Shouto listened carefully to All Might's words. Surprisingly enough, he was deemed their teacher. Somehow, Endeavor had heard about it and he was disgusted, which had made him smile brightly when he found out. He was indifferent to whatever All Might would do with his time, but it was always nice to see the old man pissed off. All Might quickly explained that he would pair them into teams of two people and make them fight each other, in a battle that would have one team as a hero and the other as a villain.Shouto couldn't be less thrilled. He hated teamwork already at his school, and now he had to pair up with somebody he didn't know and somehow manage to coordinate.
Then, he had a sudden realization. That shouldn't be hard as long as he communicated with his teammate. Just a bunch of quick words and he would be done. He felt the desire to laugh at himself. Why was he panicking already?
All Might created the teams.
Shouto was paired with Uraraka Ochako, the girl Izuku had been talking to. He felt indifference creeping up on him. She was standing in a tight suit that looked uncomfortable by Shouto's own sense of fashion.

She had heard it too, and she looked behind her, searching for him, and when he did find him, she curled her lips upwards and made a small wave.
Seriously? A wave? But then he thought, it would be rude not to wave back. So he did, feeling ridiculous. They weren't close enough to talk and that was perfectly fine with him. They definitely didn't have to play buddy-buddy by being overly friendly.

They reagrouped, and All Might decided team A would fight team D. Which meant, he realized, he would have to fight... no, they, he thought, would have to fight Izuku and Bakugo.

"I'm so nervous! Izuku has a fire capable of melting off metal and Bakugo..." she trailed off, as if mentioning him would be self explanatory. It was. He had the second most powerful throw in the fitness test, thanks to his explosive quirk. He was quite the threat.

"Yeah, I get it. But he must have a weakness"' even if Shouto recognized Bakugo and Izuku could be a worrying menace if they acted as a team, it was nothing they couldn't handle and prepare a strategy for.

"Midoriya told me the explosions he creates are made from his sweat. We can just freeze the whole building, make him so cold he can't produce enough nitroglycerine" Uraraka mused.

Shouto nodded, feeling impressed. He hadn't taken her for a strategist due to her nervous manner. He had underestimated her.
He nodded "that will do. We have yet to decide what to do with Midoriya".
They had to make an additional plan.


Izuku and Katsuki stood next to each other next to the fake bomb. The silence was deafening, until Izuku built up the courage to talk.

Fire Within -TododekuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang