In the Wake of Destruction

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The aftermath of Bakugo's explosive outburst was met with an eerie silence. The deafening roar of the explosion had left everyone temporarily stunned, both physically and emotionally. The once pristine, multi-story building that served as the battleground for the training exercise now lay in shambles, its structure significantly compromised. Slowly, the dust and debris began to settle, revealing the extent of the destruction. The walls were scorched, and chunks of concrete and metal lay scattered about. It was evident that the building was no longer safe to be in.Class 1-A, who had been intently following the battle from their monitoring room, watched in horror as the live feed displayed the destruction wrought by Bakugo's immense explosion. Mina, who was usually full of energy, gasped in disbelief, and Ashido's normally cheerful expression had turned grave.

Iida, the class representative, was the first to regain his composure. He rushed to the microphone, his voice trembling with concern. "Teachers! Are Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki safe? Please respond immediately!"

All Might, having just finished scolding Bakugo and Izuku, activated his communication device to address the concerned students. "Young Bakugo, young Midoriya, and young Todoroki are safe and uninjured. They are currently making their way out of the building."

A collective sigh of relief washed over the students in the monitoring room. They were relieved to hear that their classmates were unharmed.

"But, this is disastrous," Ojiro said, shaking his head as he looked at the damaged building. "What are they thinking, causing such destruction? And what about Uraraka?"

Class 1-A's worry for Uraraka, who had been separated from Bakugo and Izuku during the chaos, was palpable. Momo, usually level-headed, had a concerned furrow in her brow, while Kirishima clenched his fists in frustration.

"I hope Uraraka is okay," Tsuyu croaked, her anxiety evident in her words. "We should try to reach out to her. I don't want her to be alone after all that."

All Might responded, "Rest assured, young Uraraka is also unharmed. She had wisely used her quirk to float above the danger and managed to avoid the worst of the explosion."The students let out another collective sigh of relief. They were glad to know that their friends were safe, despite the chaotic events of the exercise.

"We should also remember that they were under a lot of pressure," Yaoyorozu pointed out. "The exam is meant to be challenging, and it seems they might have let their emotions get the better of them."

All Might, understanding the concerns of his students, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, young heroes. This exercise was designed to push you to your limits, and it appears it succeeded. The important thing is that we learn from this experience and continue to grow."

The students of Class 1-A watched as recovery teams and faculty members quickly arrived at the scene to assess the damage and ensure the safety of everyone involved. The once-silent monitoring room now buzzed with chatter and relief, as they realized that their friends and classmates were safe, and the valuable lessons learned would shape their journey to becoming true heroes.


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