Intrigue in the heights

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Midoriya still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Endeavor had proposed something illegal when they were just a few months away from obtaining their provisional licenses. It was unprecedented, showcasing the extent to which he was willing to go to ensure the success of his son and apprentice. The school festival games were approaching, and Endeavor had decided to cancel his son's paid training sessions to force him to train with them. Todoroki had conveyed this during one of their training sessions in the dojo, with Endeavor having left them instructions before hastily retreating, citing a "heroic emergency."

"The old man is obsessed with our success. I don't know the reasons behind this budding and concerning interest, but it seems there's some affection in the way he treats you, Midoriya," Todoroki pointed out, thoughtful. They had taken a longer break than Enji would have allowed, and now they were taking advantage of it to converse. "No," he dismissed his own theory, looking troubled. "He would never be capable of affection free from profit. It seems... he's satisfied with his work. He treats you better than before." He continued speculating. "He bought you a new upgraded uniform with improvements he had to think about himself, he has mentioned you in interviews as my son's friend with something that seems like pride..." In response to Midoriya's surprised look, as if questioning whether he really watched his interviews, Todoroki quickly added, "I happened to come across the clip on Twitter, I would never watch his interviews willingly." Midoriya flashed a small smile, clearly understanding, and Todoroki found himself smiling too. Their smiles were always radiant and contagious, he thought. "The old man talks to you about your performance at the end of the training sessions, Midoriya," he paused dramatically as Midoriya watched him with curiosity, "it seems like the old man sees you in a positive light... I wouldn't dare say it's affection, but... it's like the pride of a man who has finally built his masterpiece. That's how he feels about me, and now you're the successor to his... considerations." He concluded, but now he seemed worried, thought Midoriya, by looking at his tightened lips and his sudden lost gaze.

"Are you still trying to find an explanation for his illegal offer?" Midoriya asked, his tone gentle. He had started to feel affection for Todoroki since getting to know him better, and their rivalry had long been left behind. Now, they shared confidences and had lunch together with Uraraka and Iida, spending practically the whole day together due to training.

Todoroki nodded.

"I'm worried that it doesn't end there. Dad simply accepted the refusal and moved on. He must have a plan in mind, something that might bother us but would be beneficial for him." Todoroki shared his concern, as sincere as the day they first met.

"Oh, Todoroki! Maybe he just realized he couldn't force us to do something illegal. Don't worry. Anyone with a brain would be aware of that, and your dad doesn't seem like a fool. You think he has some evil plan in mind..." He trailed off, observing Todoroki's serious expression. He would have made fun of him, but he knew this was important to him. "But I bet he probably has better things to do." He finished, very sure of himself.


Shouto observed as Bakugo was chosen to represent Class 1-A in a speech. Honestly, they couldn't have picked a worse person to give the speech.

"I'm going to be number one," he simply stated, and as soon as he said it, all the classes from 1-A to the business class started booing. Classic Bakugo, saying something stupid so openly. Shouto didn't understand how he was chosen for such a task.

Later, Midnight announced that their first competition would be a race. Nothing surprising, he thought.

Unbeknownst to the students, hidden in the shadows, the League of Villains plotted their disruptive assault. Shigaraki Tomura, the leader, grinned maliciously as he observed the carefree atmosphere. With a wave of his hand, he signaled the attack. Suddenly, chaos erupted. The once festive ambiance was shattered by the arrival of the League of Villains. Dabi unleashed waves of blue flames, engulfing booths and decorations in an inferno. Toga darted through the panicking crowd, her unsettling giggle sending shivers down the spines of unsuspecting students.

Mr. Compress showcased his quirk, compressing parts of the festival stalls into miniature cubes, leaving destruction in his wake. Spinner, with his mutated appearance, leaped through the air, causing students to scatter in fear. As the obstacle race commenced, Nomu, the hulking creature, crashed through the festival grounds. Its monstrous presence sent shockwaves through the students, disrupting the race and scattering participants.

Midoriya, Todoroki, and their classmates found themselves in the midst of the chaos. Todoroki's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the destruction, his determination to protect his fellow students flaring up. Midoriya, despite the fear, clenched his fists, ready to face the villains head-on.
The Pro Heroes on duty rushed to the scene, engaging in a fierce battle with the League of Villains. Explosions, quirks, and clashes of power echoed through the air, creating a cacophony of chaos.

In the midst of the turmoil, Bakugo stepped forward, his explosive quirk roaring to life. "You damn villains chose the wrong day to mess with us!" he shouted, charging towards Dabi with fiery determination.

The students, though initially shocked, began to rally.

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