Philosopher's Stone - Chamber of Secrets

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The quill.



Multiple months had occurred, living in the Malfoy Manor, and I did my usual normal routine, well, not really. I'm mostly in my room, staring at the window, nothing to do at all. But then, I remembered to write to my parents for.. Information or whatsoever. I took out my quill and ink from my luggage, the quill was from an unknown person that I received last christmas. Now that I think of it, since this person hasn't been revealing themselves, it's a bit creepy, knowingly I have a secret admirer, or a creep, rather. Anyhow, all I need is a parchment paper. Remembering the piece of parchment paper downstairs by the coffee table, I went downstairs along with my quill in hand. I ambled towards the coffee table and took one paper as I sat on the couch. I placed the paper on the table in front of me as I began to write a letter.


Y/N placed the parchment paper and the ink on the table. She took out her quill, which is the gift that she received last Christmas from an unknown person. Draco, noticing her when he just got down from his room, noticed the quill he gave that she was using to write to her parents. The quill was actually from Draco. He suddenly remembered that day when he was thinking of a gift for her at three in the morning at Hogwarts.


Draco's POV

I never thought that I would do this. Especially to Willows. A used quill? Draco, be more mature. It's three in the morning. Shouldn't I be asleep? And Merlin, Theodore snores so loudly. I wish I knew a charm that could zip his mouth up so I could concentrate with this gifting stuff.

Anyway, I don't have any new quill that I could buy. I can't just send my father a letter to buy me one, it will take days to give me the new quill. And I can't get to Hogsmeade until I'm 14. I have no choice but to send a used quill to her.

Why am I doing this? It's not that she's my friend or anything. I didn't even get my friends a gift.

Oh well, I got this far. I'll give it anyway. It's not like I'm gonna put my name on it. She'll wonder who this gift is from. Yeah. She'd go nuts just by thinking about it.

Maybe I should just write a poem along with the quill. I mean, this quill is expensive. I'm sure she'll notice that. Besides, the quality is good. I've used it before during Professor Snape's class.

You know what? I should write a poem.

My hands were shaking a bit, and in addition, I couldn't think properly due to the stress I'm receiving. But I've finished one poem, I looked closely at it, and it sucked. I didn't like it. I crumpled the parchment paper and threw it away as I got a new one. Again, I didn't like it. I threw it away. Until I reached the 10th time, I finally liked it. I think it's interesting.

Well, the writing? I'll leave it like that. Not everyone has good writing, come on, now.

Do you think I over exaggerated it? No. This is my 10th time. I don't care anymore. I'll give it anyway whether she likes the poem or not.

I hope she does, though. I tried 10 times to get the good poem that I'm satisfied with. At least be grateful for it. Well it's not like I care.

I folded the parchment paper in the black rectangular box with a silver ribbon in it, along with the quill inside it. I went down from my bed as I carefully ambled across the room till I reached the door. I opened the door and it made a squeak sound. Theodore's snoring stopped, I stopped moving as well.

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