Philosopher's Stone

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Chapter 2: The Gift

Y/N woke up from a dream, she found herself drenched in sweat and eyes all watery. It was traumatic, but she couldn't remember it anymore. The only thing she remembers is the sweet sound of the rain and the brisk wind along with the pain. She decided to not think of it, as she keeps the day going.

Noticing the clock on her counter right beside her bed, she's almost late for class. She went to the room's lavatory, washed her face in the sink and dried it with a dry cloth. Y/N realised that this was their last day, so she better hurry for the feast in the Great Hall and the upcoming announcement of which house won the House Cup.

She immediately changed her robes and tied her hair up into a ponytail. (If your character has short hair, ignore this line.) Y/N's gaze shifted to Tracey, noticing that she was still asleep.

"Tracey, wake up! We're going to be late!" Tracey woke up and seemed to notice how she was in a hurry.

"Huh?" Tracey muttered groggily. She looked at her own clock, and it was still half an hour early. "It's still early, what're you saying?"

"What? But–" Y/N heard someone snicker, she immediately looked in the direction from where she heard it. It was Milicent Bulstrode pretending to be asleep, her blanket covering her entire body. Y/N's gaze turned cold, pulling out her wand, pointing at Milicent.

"Finite." Milicent's blanket was flown away due to the spell that Y/N casted on her. She gasped, her smirk turned into a frown. "You casted a spell on my clock, didn't you?" Y/N said coldly, her wand still pointing at Millicent's anxious face.

"Yes! Just put the wand down!" Milicent admitted, Y/N lowering her wand.

"Yesterday, you almost made me get into trouble. Luckily Malfoy warned me about the time." Y/N walked towards Milicent, she got more frightened. Tracey tilted her head in confusion. If Draco warned her about the time, Y/N should have been in her bed last night. "Fix my clock right now, unless you want me to hex  you." Y/N with the cursed clock in her hand as she threatened Milicent, she immediately grabbed Y/N's clock and returned to its normal state.

Y/N's frown turned into a sarcastic smile, she walked towards her bed and placed the clock on her counter. Tracey looked at her suspiciously, still thinking about how she wasn't in her bed yesterday.

"Y/N, you weren't in your bed yesterday. Where were you?"

"Got to detention because of Malfoy, it's partially my fault for coming along with him."

"Why did you even come along with him? Aren't you two against each other or something?"

"Long story, and yes, we still are." She chuckled, along with Tracey. Y/N fixed her bed and reminded Tracey that she'd be going downstairs to the common room. She nodded as Y/N left her dorm, going down the stairs. She noticed the number of gifts under the Christmas tree, she was curious that maybe one of those gifts was for hers. So she ambled towards it.

A deep red like cherry-coloured gift wrap with a silver ribbon on top, her name is written on a parchment paper that is hanging on the silver ribbon, she looked at the parchment paper and read what was written in it. It was from her parents. It was a medium-sized gift. There was also another gift, a small rectangular box covered in black wrapping paper and a white ribbon. Her name was plastered to the box, assuming that it was hers. She sat down on the floor and placed the gift on her lap, untied the ribbon, and opened it up.

It was a silver quill with an oak handle. The feather was so soft, it felt like high quality. The silver was engraved with unique patterns, it was beautiful. However the silver tip was covered in dried ink, Y/N assumed that it was used. There was also a tiny piece of parchment inside the box as she reads it.

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