Philosopher's Stone

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"I'm Y/N Willows. It's just that your face is as irritating and stupid-looking as ever."

"What did you just say to me? You're a Willows, pure-blood. You'd be better off with someone that has the same status as you. But you've annoyed me since the first time we've met, I won't let you reconsider." He took another step closer and scowled at her. "And I deserve better." Malfoy left her with a 'huff' and looked back at Harry. Y/N didn't answer, she wasn't in the mood for an argument. She was supposed to be enjoying Hogwarts, but because of Malfoy, she couldn't.

"You'll find out some wizarding families are better than others. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, now do you?" He stares at Ron and Y/N, while Y/N gives him a glare.

"I can help you there." He held out his hand as an offer for Harry to accept. Draco's ego thought that Harry would willingly accept his offer to be friends. However, Harry disagrees.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Harry stated as Y/N articulated an 'ooh' quietly and snickered. Malfoy was confused about why Harry declined his offer, the rejection made him furious. He glared at Harry and Y/N, then he got interrupted by the lady with the pointy hat.

"We're ready for you now. Follow me."

The soaring enormous doors from the Great Hall open, revealing hundreds of children and teenagers staring at the first years. Y/N looked around, walking forward and it was breathtaking to look at the Great Hall. Candles were floating above the ceiling, instead of a light bulb, fire was their light. It felt comforting, it felt like home.

"The ceiling isn't real. It's bewitched to look like the night sky." Hermione explains, Y/N, still admiring the place, absolutely breathtaking.

"Bloody hell." Ron muttered to himself while looking around, he saw his twin brothers smiling at them, he smiled back.

Y/N saw the Sorting Hat, well– it looks like an ordinary old hat. 'How is this going to tell me my house?' She thought to herself. Everyone stopped walking as the lady told them to wait in front of the Great Hall to announce something.

"Now, before we begin. Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." Dumbledore stood up from his seat and spoke out loud.

"I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death." Dumbledore said in a breathy tone, that warning was sudden, a lot to take process on I must say.

"When I call your name, you will come forth." Y/N fixed her posture and let out a 'huff,' she was nervous.

"Hermione Granger."

First person was.. Hermione. She sighed in nervousness as she stepped up in front and sat on the chair. The lady puts on the hat to Hermione as the hat suddenly spoke, causing Hermione to jolt.

"Ah, right then. Mm, right. Okay... Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat yelled out loud, claps and cheering started to fill the Great Hall, Hermione left the seat happily and went to sit next to the Gryffindors.

"Draco Malfoy."

He looked anxious at first, he sat on the chair, as the lady was about to put the hat onto his head, the hat immediately said... "Slytherin!" Draco smirked and sat with the Slytherins, cheers from the Slytherin table started to fill the Hall as well.

Rain & Wind { Draco Malfoy x Reader }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ