Philosopher's Stone

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{ The picture shown above is your wand. If you'd like to change it into your own, you're free to do so. } -Author

Chapter 1: 'Get that to your thick skull.'

"Everything's absolutely wrong." Y/N mumbled to herself, she needed money to earn the requirements for school and she didn't have any. Her anxiety levels started rising up, her hands were starting to shake.

"Get ready Y/N, make sure your seatbelt's on." Hagrid started the vehicle, Y/N's frown turned into a shock, she was in disbelief. She thought that it'd go straight, but she was wrong. They were going upwards, up to the sky. The breeze was refreshing and relaxing, Y/N felt like she wanted to melt on the spot, the wind was hitting her face, it felt brisk. It's like you're in a dream, a dream that you could feel, something that is once in a lifetime experience.

Y/N looked down to see the view from up in the sky, it was stunning. She couldn't believe she's leaving her town, and the fact that magic is real! "Hagrid, this is amazing!" She looked at Hagrid, who's driving the vehicle, as she held her hands up in the sky to feel the pearly-white delicate clouds.

"Be careful now, Y/N. We don't want you to fall. We'll be shopping at Diagon Alley."

Now she's gradually regretting her choice. Is she going to be an 11-year-old beggar in the streets of the wizarding world, and with no wand to defend herself since she had no money to buy one?

'This is actually a nightmare, why did I agree..' She thought to herself as she gulped. She grabbed the sides of her seat, now overthinking.

A few moments later, the vehicle slowly went down at their destination. Y/N saw lots of witches and wizards roaming around, some of them taking a stroll, some of them flying using a broom. She hopped off the vehicle as she strolled alongside Hagrid.

Now, they're wandering around Diagon Alley, it was alluring. Just walking on the cobblestone path, Y/N finds herself staring at... Well, everywhere. The people, the sky, the fascinating buildings, exquisite furnishings, everything is absolutely magical. There are about hundreds of people shopping for items, even students who are about to go to Hogwarts as well. Teenagers buying and trying new brooms for quidditch and children buying wands and books for the upcoming school year. What else is there? What secrets are they hiding to discover mysteries in the wizarding world? There's plenty of time to find out.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley, Y/N. Whaddya think?" Hagrid said cheerfully.

"It's amazing Hagrid, but I don't have money to afford the school's requirements. I've forgotten all about it." Y/N said in a worried tone.

"Oh don't ya worry, kid. Your parents got the hand of it, I have the galleons here jus' for ya. Gave them to me by owling me." He handed her a wallet made out of leather with money inside it.

Y/N's face showed a relieved face as she smiled at Hagrid. "Much obliged, Hagrid. But how did my parents have this kind of money? We usually have... Uh- what do you call that again? Muggle money..?

"Eh-- well they work at-- no, I'm not supposed to say anything. A-And no need to thank me, yeh should thank your parents, at that." He chuckled. "Ya know, I'm supposed to pick up a new student in the Muggle world as well. His name's Harry Potter."

Y/N decided not to ask any further questions about her own parents, but she is curious what Hagrid was about to say. "What an odd name, why didn't you ought to pick the boy up first?"

"Dumbledore said to pick you up first, Harry hasn't read the letters we've sent yet. Or something's refraining him to do so."

"Maybe he has strict parents?"

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