Chapter 26: Transfer Station

Start from the beginning

“Cap Song.” Ji Yushi suddenly spoke up, “This place isn’t our command centre.”

Song Qinglan also noticed this because Tianqiong’s welcoming speech had given it away.
Hearing Ji Yushi’s words, Song Qinglan looked at the communicator habitually and said, “You’re right. The time format is incorrectly displayed here. The current coordinates of this place cannot be determined.”

Hearing those words, everyone became nervous. Their experiences in PU-31 had left a psychological shadow in everyone. Perhaps this was another place similar to PU-31.

Ji Yushi also raised his arm and looked at his communicator: [xxxx.xx.xx].
No coordinates.
For time and space travellers, time was the only way for them to confirm their current coordinates.
The lack of coordinates was a very serious matter and the traverser may even get lost in time and space, never able to return.

“Fuck.” Duan Wen opened a door and glanced out. He said the word everyone had in their minds on behalf of the squad.
He reported, “Cap Song, we fucking don’t seem to be on the ground.”

Li Chun and Tang Le also opened a few doors and looked down.
“Pitch black outside. It looks empty below!”
“There’s nothing around us too!

Song Qinglan walked over with a frown to check.
“Where is this?”
“Didn’t we break the cycle?”
“No way, after all that hard work, we’re starting again?”

Tang Qi: “Cap Song! Look!”

Everyone returned to the control panel and saw a line of words appear on the holographic screen:
[Congratulations! Guardians from Star Era 1456, you have completed the first Super S-level mission and are about to unlock the next one.]

Everyone’s heart turned cold. What did this mean?

“Who are you?” Song Qinglan faced the projection and asked.

As early as their time, the Tianqiong System had already activated the AI voice system. Sure enough, it was activated as soon as a question was heard.

“I am Tianqiong.”
The system’s voice was very gentle. It was a female voice.

Song Qinglan almost laughed out in anger, “The Tianqiong from which era?”

System: “In a broad sense, I am the Tianqiong of all eras.”

Tianqiong of all eras?
Everyone was confused.

Song Qinglan paused for a second or two, but he seemed to remember something and asked again, “In other words, the Ouroboros mission was one that you had released and us being here also has something to do with you?”

System: “Yes.”

Song Qinglan’s tone was very cold, “Where is this?”

System: “This is my time and space transfer station. You can rest, train and eat here. I have a plenty of supplies here. I suggest that you make use of it before proceeding onto the next mission.”

There’s another mission?!
Zhou Mingxuan who heard this immediately asked, “How do we go back?”

System: “One mission has been detected to be unlocked. Please unlock more to access more detailed information.”

“Isn’t this too much?!”
“What the hell is this?!”
“I can’t believe this!!”

The group exploded with anger.
Tang Le said to his brother, “I’m never going to set flags again. Before setting off, I even said to Advisor Ji that we would be back the next day.”
Tang Qi was speechless: “…….”

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