Chapter 37: A Time to Skrill ( Part 2 )

Start from the beginning

The black furred dragon then carefully pulled out a green dragon egg that resembled plants with four leafy branches on top and several root-like protuberances on the bottom of it, from within the dead tree, shocking all the riders and their dragons.

The feathered winged dragon purred at the egg affectionately as she cradled it in her front paws, like a mother holding her newborn child.

Saga: ( silently, with a smile: ) Aww...

Tuffnut: ( quietly: ) I think I can feel cavities forming in my teeth by watching this.

Fishlegs: ( a bit loudly: ) But, how did she know that it was there?

The black furred dragon held the egg in her paws and held it close to her chest when she heard Fishlegs's voice. She then turned her head to the group and looked at them with a worried and slightly fearful look as she held the egg close. As the riders looked at the female dragon with slight sadness, which grew as the black furred dragon spoke with that same worried and fearful look on her face, like a mother worrying for the safety of her child.

Black furred dragon: ( mimicking the voice of a woman: ) " Stay back! "

Saga's heart broke slightly when she heard those words, even though the dragon had spoke them a few times before, but this time, the look the dragon wore as she spoke those words reminded her the times she had to fight off predators that had tried to harm her baby furies, this caused her to glance at the scars she had earned from those past battles. She wasn't the only one that was affected by the words the dragon spoke more than the others, Hiccup looked at the dragon with widened eyes, as his heart also felt like it broke by those words, but then his mind began to wonder, where the dragon had heard those words from. That's when Hiccup noticed something that he wouldn't have noticed before due to the female dragon not allowing him or the gang to get too close to her, there hidden by her fur, was the letters " DH " burned and scarred into the scales hidden beneath the fur, seeing this made Hiccup's blood boil but he kept his anger from showing on his face.

The black furred dragon cowered in fearful worry as Saga began slowly approaching her, she held the green leaf-like dragon egg in her paws close to her chest.

Black furred dragon: ( mimicking the voice of a woman: ) " Stay back! "

On instinct, the black furred dragon covered her head with her wings as she wrapped them around herself when Saga held her hand out to touch the dragon, the feathered winged dragon seemingly expecting the alchemist to hurt her, but the dragon's eyes widened in confusion as she felt the alchemist gently pet one of her wings, she slowly lifted her head from the cover of her wings and looked at Saga, who was giving her a kind and soothing smile.

Saga: ( to the black furred dragon, while holding back tears: ) It's okay... You're safe now, Dreamsong. You have us on your side now.

As if on cue, Serenity slowly walked up to the black furred dragon, and she gently wrapped one of her upper wings around the smaller dragon's form, and the stormcutter gave her a reassuring purr. The black furred dragon, now named " Dreamsong " looked at the two with relieved tears in her eyes as she unwrapped her wings from herself, still holding the egg close to her chest.

Hiccup and the gang looked at the scene in front of them with smiles on their faces to seeing the heartwarming moment in front of them, except for Fishlegs, he was currently holding back tears of joy from falling. Hiccup's mind then reminded him of the possible danger as he remembered the reason they were on the island.

Hiccup: Alright, gang. Let's saddle up and check where me and the twins trapped the skrill we know.

Saga turned to Hiccup and the gang with a look of complete confusion to what Hiccup was talking about as the riders got on their dragons.

Hiccup: ( to Saga: ) We'll fill you in on the way. For now, until we get back to the Edge, we'll keep Dreamsong close and not have her or the egg leave our sight.

The alchemist gave Hiccup a curious look as she got on her stormcutter, before she turned to the black furred dragon and gave her a soft smile.

Saga: Let's go, sweetie. This place is too gloomy for you and the egg to be here.

Dreamsong watched with slight hesitation as the riders flew into the air, but they waited in the air for her. The black furred dragon then slowly opened her black feathered wings, and continued to hold the egg close to her chest with her front paws as she boosts herself into the air with her hind legs before flapping her wings and began flying beside the riders and their dragons, sticking close to Saga and Serenity.

( Slight time skip, when the riders saw that the Skrill they trapped was gone )

Saga was standing where the Skrill Hiccup and the twins had trapped once was, and took a deep breath as she had processed everything her adoptive siblings and friends had told her after the group realized that the vengeful lightning dragon was now heading to Berk. Dreamsong cradled the green leaf-like dragon egg in her front paws as Serenity stood beside her.

Saga: ( with a serious expression: ) So let me get this straight... Three years ago, you found a frozen skrill, then unfroze it from its icey prison, it gets captured and enslaved by Dagur and the outcasts, you took down Dagur and got him sent to prison on Outcast island after he tried to kill Alvin with said Skrill, then re-trapped the poor, probably mentally scarred dragon after freeing it from enslavement?

There was a long moment of silence, until...

Tuffnut: Well, yeah, but you make it sound like we did a bad thing, Sis.

Saga: ( takes a deep breath, before giving the whole gang the stern mom glare ) Ten seconds to get on your dragons and start heading to Berk before the Skrill gets to it, before I give you all a piece of my bloody mind with, ( points to Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins ) your helmets, ( then points to Astrid: ) a shield, ( and then points to Hiccup ) and your metal leg. Starting now, 10...

The twins were the first ones to get on their dragon and to take off, as the others followed. And once the gang where back in the air, Saga got back on Serenity and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Saga: ( to Serenity and Dreamsong: ) I swear, girls, sometimes, I wonder if they realize how many times their actions with somewhat challenging dragon species they have caused some trauma to, or not. If not, gods give me strength not to slap my two crushes and the two muttenheads of siblings on the backs of their heads.

The alchemist and her two dragons then took off to follow after the others as they began heading to Berk.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what your reaction was to the black furred dragon, Dreamsong finding a dragon egg, or what you think about Dreamsong's character so far.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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