Chapter 6: An Accidental Reunion ( Part 3 )

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( On Berk )

Hiccup and the gang landed on Berk and went to Stoick and Gobber at the Haddock house.

Stoick: Hiccup! Thank Thor, I was beginning to worry that somet-

Hiccup: We found an alchemist named " Saga " alone on an island, and apparently according to the twins' memory, no one seemed to notice that she had left Berk. Please tell me there's a good explanation for this.

Stoick: Saga? Tesla's girl?

Gobber: ( sighs )

Astrid: Gobber, do you know something?

Gobber: I may have known that she left and not told anybody.

Stoick: Gobber!

Gobber: She told me to, in the letter she left behind in her house!

Hiccup: ( to Gobber: ) So you knew right away that she was gone.

Gobber: Yep, that morning at the shop was way too quiet without the sounds of the lass accidentally knocking stuff over after borrowing some equipment.

Stoick: I would like to see this letter.

Gobber: Alright, but it's at her house.

Snotlout: Can't you just bring it here?

Gobber: I would, if that place wasn't a small death trap.

( Slight time skip )

Gobber led Stoick and the riders to Saga's old house. When they went inside, they quickly noticed that it was a mess.

Tuffnut: Did somebody rob this place?

Gobber: No, this was how Saga left it. Wait here.

Gobber then went upstairs and came back with the letter that Saga had left behind, he then handed it to Hiccup.

Gobber: I think you might want to be the one to read it.

Hiccup looked at the letter and began reading it out loud.

Hiccup: " Dear Gobber, I have a feeling that you are going to be one that notices that I'm no longer on Berk straight away. I have left Berk for the mental health of my dragon, she's the flightmare that the riders had faced during Aurvandil's fire. "

The other riders were in shock by what they heard, and Hiccup continued reading the letter.

Hiccup: " Please don't tell Stoick or anyone on Berk that I have left, as I don't want anyone to waste their time looking for me. And please know that despite how everyone treated me on Berk, I'm not upset with anyone for it. I hope you understand. From your favorite Berkian Alchemist, Saga "

Astrid: She left for the sake of her dragon.

Ruffnut: Man...

Tuffnut: I kinda feel bad about not talking to our Saga...

Stoick: ( sighs ) I'm sure we all are, Tuffnut.

Hiccup: ( to the gang: ) Saddle up, gang, we're going to talk to Saga. We're going to set this right.

Snotlout: How exactly? Talking her into moving back to Berk?

Hiccup: No, somewhere different.

( Meanwhile on Saga's Island )

Saga was at her cave home with Rascal watching over her shoulder, and she was sketching out a blueprint for a new invention when she noticed something outside. She walked out onto the platform outside the cave home to see large dark storm clouds slowly rolling towards the island in the distance.

Saga: ( with a worried expression: ) That's not good.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think Hiccup's plan might be.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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