Chapter 15: Unexpected Discovery of Hearts ( Part 2 )

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It was now dark outside, Saga was walking to the clubhouse to see the riders to thank Hiccup and Astrid for their assistance with working on the new nursery, and her dragons were following close behind her. Tesla was carrying Indigo on her back and Rascal was walking beside the flightmare while the other baby furies were flying as they followed the alchemist, Rascal looked at his flying siblings with a sad look in his eyes before he glanced at his bare back, then he whined silently as he lowered his head, causing Tesla to glanced at her adoptive offspring with concern.

When Saga got to the door of the clubhouse, she heard Hiccup and Astrid talking to the gang inside.

Hiccup: I don't think anyone on Berk would believe us if we told them that the three of us almost finished a whole dragon nursery by ourselves because of Saga's alchemy.

Astrid: And you should've seen how she set up the defense traps she built within it. It's almost like she is predicting every move a hunter is going to make if one ever steps foot in the place.

Saga smiled warmly at Hiccup and Astrid's words before she opened the door, and as soon as she did, Ruff and Tuff flew to Ruffnut and Tuffnut and tackled both of them to the ground, knocking them out of their chairs and making the twin riders laugh, while Panther just lands beside Astrid and Winky greeted the riders with a cute wink. Indigo quickly jumped off of Tesla's back and ran to Hiccup, who quickly picked her up with a smile.

Hiccup: Speak of the alchemist, and she appears.

Saga: ( to Hiccup and Astrid: ) We're just coming by to say thanks for the help with the nursery today before calling it a night.

Astrid: It was no problem, Saga.

Hiccup: Yeah, it's what friends do, we help each other.

Saga didn't know why, but she felt her heart break a little when called her a friend, which made her somewhat confused as to why, she then decided to pay it no mind as she whistled loudly, gaining the twin furies' attention.

Saga: Come on, little stars, let's go back to Darla, it's past your bedtime.

The Thorston twins and the fury twins both whined in response, making everyone laugh slightly.

Ruffnut: Aw, but we wanted to teach Ruff and Tuff how to blow stuff up.

Saga: Maybe tomorrow, if you two promise to not go too crazy.

The rest of the riders' eyes widened in response to what the alchemist said as the twins smiled happily in response.

Tuffnut: ( cheerfully: ) Yes!

( in the middle of the night, at Saga's ship )

Tesla and the baby furies were fast asleep in the ship, while Saga stood on the metal docks with a sad smile as she watched a boat sail towards her docks, when the boat got close enough to the docks it was recognized to belong to Trader Johann, Saga smiled as the trader docked his ship on the metal docks.

Trader Johann: ( to Saga, with a smile as he walked onto the dock to greet her: ) So the rumors I've heard about your new life style are true, Miss Saga. It's good to see that you and your found dragon family are safe and sound, my dear. Though, I wish I could say the same for the news I'm about to share.

Saga: ( with a worried expression: ) What is it, Johann? Have you not be able to get any new information on any new night fury eggs?

Trader Johann: Not quite, Miss Saga. I have heard whispers about a recently escaped lone, alpha speed stinger escaping into the frozen denth of Glacier island with a young, wounded night fury. I fear that Ryker and his men might try to go after them as I heard them talking about going to the Northern markets to get all the cold weather gear they could get their hands on.

Saga: Night furies aren't able to survive in consistently cold environments like Glacier island. And with snow wraiths being there...

Trader Johann: My thoughts exactly, Miss Saga. I fear if you are not to hurry, the poor creature will surely freeze to death.

Saga: Thanks for telling me this, Johann. Here.

Saga pulls out a small bag from the pocket of her apron, and hands it to Johann, who happily took the bag.

Saga: One bag of Oasis' moonglow crystals, like promise.

Trader Johann: It's always a pleasure working with you, Miss Saga.

Saga then walked back to her ship as Johann went back to his and he began sailing away from the island. Saga then sighs in worry, thinking about what to do, as she feels like she should tell the riders about what Johann told her, but she didn't want to risk Hiccup and Astrid's safety by having them go with her to Glacier island, knowing that it was filled snow wraiths.

Saga: ( to herself as she began pacing: ) Ugh, I know I should tell the others, but Glacier island can be extremely deadly, and I've noticed that Snotlout and the twins are often causing the deadliest of dangerous situations to increase, which causes the risk of Hiccup or Astrid or their dragons getting hurt or in danger to increase. And that night fury and speed stinger really need to get off that island as soon as possible.

Saga then stopped pacing when her eyes widened as she came to realize why her heart ached when Hiccup referred to her as his and Astrid's friend.

Saga: ( to herself: ) It's appears that I've came to grow feelings towards Hiccup and Astrid, but it's possible that they don't feel the same way as they are already in a relationship with each other, which for some reason they are acting like their not even though I'm 99.9 percent sure everyone already knows their relationship status based on their behavior. The best choice and chance of saving the speed stinger and night fury duo is to leave now, leave the group a note telling them where we are, and begin the search for the duo on the island before the hunters get there. But the gang might be of more help and Hiccup can come up with a plan as to how to search for them, but that means it might take longer to get there, because of making a plan, as I came to my understanding the group tends to bicker with each other. And they might get really upset with me if I were to leave without them. Ah, I shouldn't do it, or should I? No, I shouldn't!

Saga then groaned in frustration as she debated with herself.


That's it for this episode, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think Saga will do next episode.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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