Chapter 23: Edge Disaster Part 1 of Part 2 ( Short )

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Saga, Battlestrike, Tuffnut, and Astrid were standing by a ballista on a cliff, which the ballista had been given a quick upgrade by the alchemist. Tuffnut and Astrid looked at the upgraded ballista with slight confusion as it now had some kind of contraption made of dragon proof metal attached it. Saga's satchel was laying on the ground beside the wheelbarrow of weapons.

Saga: ( with an excited smile: ) Tuffnut, grab some of the weapons from the wheelbarrow and put it in the Reloader.

Tuffnut: Huh?

Saga: The thing that I attached to the ballista. Just open the hatch and put the weapons inside.

Tuffnut: Oh. Got it.

As Tuffnut went to the wheelbarrow to grab some weapons, Astrid went up to Saga.

Astrid: What are you trying to do again, Saga?

Saga: You'll see. It's just a simple game of Hunter ship darts.

Tuffnut then came back with a few swords and he did what Saga told him, and he put them in the contraption she had attached to the ballista.

Saga: Ready?

Tuffnut: Ready.

Saga: ( with a smile on her face as she takes aim: ) Alright, let's put this thing to the test. According to the calculations, the first shot will fly past a few inches away from Dagur's face and lands onto the deck of the ship...

Astrid and Tuffnut's eyes widened in response while a grin formed on Battlestrike's face.

Saga: Just to give them a reminder who they're messing with.

Tuffnut: ( to Saga: ) You, my alchemist friend, are crazy.... I like it.

Saga then pulls the ballista's lever, causing the Reloader to automatically load the weapon with one of the swords before firing, the weapon soaring through the sky towards the hunter ships like an arrow.

( With Ruffnut on one of the hunter ships )

Ruffnut watched in confusion as she sees a sword flying towards Dagur in high speed while the Berserker chief was talking to Ryker and Heather.

Dagur stopped talking as the sword flew past him, a few inches away from his face, and the sword hits the deck.

Dagur: Okay, apparently they now have flying swords.

Ryker: No, I've seen this before... The alchemist! Take cover!

The hunters quickly docked as two more swords flew at them, Ruffnut smiled at the sight as none of the swords were anywhere near her.

Ruffnut: Oh, heck, yes! That's the alchemist!

( Back with Saga )

Saga laughs happily at seeing that her invention worked, then a mischievous smile formed on her face. Tuffnut had a smile on his face while Astrid was impressed by Saga's upgrade to the ballista.

Saga: Now that the test fire worked. Tuffnut, be a dear and load the Reloader with what's inside my satchel. It's time for the fun to begin.

Tuffnut grabbed the satchel, and despite him being confused about why it was filled with glass bottles with some kind of chemical liquid inside, he puts all the bottles in the Reloader.

Saga: Okay, step back everyone. Things are about to get loki crazy.

Astrid, Battlestrike, and Tuffnut took a step back as Saga pulled the lever, the Reloader automatically loaded the weapon with one of the glass bottles, and it seemed to have automatically pulled out the bottle's cork, before firing the bottle at one of the ships.

Astrid and Tuffnut watched in pure shock as the bottle caused a huge explosion when it made contact with a ship, making a huge hole in the ship and causing it to sink. Saga smiled victoriously while Battlestrike lets out a victory roar in response.

Saga: I know, right? Who knew I would make something explode on purpose instead of on accident.

Tuffnut: ( turns to Saga with open arms ) Welcome to the family!

Both Astrid and Battlestrike were taken aback by what the Thorston boy said to Saga. The alchemist accidentally fired another bottle of the explosive chemical mixture at another hunter ship, sinking it, out of shock to what Tuffnut said.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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