Chapter 31: An Owl or A Dragon ( Part 2 )

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Saga became more nervous as she and the riders got closer and closer to Berk. She then takes a deep breath as they land, Stoick and Gobber were there to greet them and Gobber looked at the alchemist in shock, as she had changed a lot since he last saw her. She and the riders got off their dragons, Saga averted her gaze while the others looked at the Chief and blacksmith.

Stoick: Son, thank you for coming. We really need your help with finding that dragon.

Hiccup: Do you know what kind of dragon we're dealing with?

Gobber: Yep. A Stormcutter.

Saga's eyes widened and she turned her head to the two Vikings, with interest and curiosity in her eyes as she took off her goggles. The other riders were confused.

Snotlout: A what?

Gobber: Stormcutters are a large sharp class dragon-

Saga: ( knowingly: ) Well-known for their second set of hidden wings that gives them excellent skill and control of the skies. One of the most intelligent dragon species, and is impossible to sneak up on.

The dragon riders and the two Vikings looked at the alchemist with shock.

Saga: What? I've seen and learned about all kinds of dragons during my time away from Berk. Now... ( To Stoick and Gobber, with a serious expression: ) Describe the situation of the dragon.

Gobber: ( confused: ) Huh?

Hiccup: ( to his dad and Gobber: ) She's asking what state the dragon is in, as in, how bad the dragon's wounds are.

Gobber: Ah. Good to know that you know what she's saying.

Stoick: ( rolls his eyes at Gobber ) ( to Saga: ) We weren't able to get close enough to see how many wounds it had, but we were able to see that it has a slash wound across its chest. From what we could make out of the looks of it, the wound was made by a sword.

Saga: Where was the last place you saw the stormcutter?

Stoick: In the forest, we have been searching all day and night and we still are. It seems like it's scared to go anywhere near the village, but it's for the best that the dragon goes to your sanctuary.

Saga raised her brow at the chief as she was surprised that he knew about her dragon sanctuary on the Edge.

Saga: And if you don't mind me asking, how do you know about my sanctuary?

Snotlout, Fishlegs, the twins, and the dragons then blankly turned to Hiccup and Astrid, as all of them knew how the chief knew about the sanctuary.

Stoick: ( to Saga, with a smile: ) My son wouldn't stop telling me all about it and about your inventions in his letters, he also told me-

Hiccup stopped Stoick from continuing his sentence by pulling Saga away from the chief with a slight blush on his face, and he gently pulled her towards Toothless, who was looking at the Haddock blankly in response to his actions.

Hiccup: Alright, gang, let's begin looking for that dragon. Saga, Astrid, and I will look at the outskirts of Berk, near Raven point. Snotlout, you and the twins search on the other side of the forest. Fishlegs, you and Meatlug joined the search parties on land.

Stoick, Gobber, the gang, and their dragons watched blankly as Hiccup and Saga got on Toothless and as Astrid got on Stormfly before the two riders and the alchemist took off, the alchemist was looking at the couple with confusion. There was a long moment of silence as the three flew out of sight, until...

Tuffnut: Okay, I'm not the only one that sees that Hiccup and Astrid are into Saga and see that Saga is also into them, but neither of them are actually saying it, right?

Snotlout: ( sarcastically: ) Really, ya think?

Fishlegs: It's kinda obvious. It's almost as obvious as Hiccup and Astrid trying to keep the fact they are a couple a secret.

Gobber: How long have those three been like this?

Snotlout: ( groans ) For months.

Ruffnut: We're basically all just waiting for them to just confess to each other already.

Stoick: Maybe this will give them the chance to talk to each other about their feelings.

Ruffnut: They better, because I'm getting really close to locking the three of them in a room, just to stop Saga from doing stuff that could possibly get herself killed and telling those two that there's a letter only for them to read if something bad happens. Because we all know what's in that letter.

The other riders nodded their heads in agreement to Ruffnut's statement, even their dragons nodded their heads in agreement.

Tuffnut: I vote that if they don't confess to each other before this mission is over, we do lock them in a room together. All in favor say, " Aye! "

Snotlout, Fishlegs, Tuffnut, and Ruffnut: ( all at the same time, honestly with blank expressions: ) " Aye! "

Gobber: And luckily for us, we still have Saga's old house.

( Meanwhile, in the cove )

The golden eyed stormcutter was hiding under the shadows of the cove, before it began walking out towards the water to get a drink. As it walked out, the light of the sun shone on the large dragon, revealing that it had beautiful pearly white scales with a cream underbelly, and light lavender highlights. The stormcutter's slash wound across its chest had stopped bleeding, but it still looked to be painful as the dragon wheezed in pain slightly and silently with each breath it breathed. The large dragon also had several other slash wounds on its body, but they were old and had turned into scars.

The wounded stormcutter slowly drank a few sips of water before backing away with a whimper of slight pain as some water had dripped onto its wound before it laid down on its side in slight defeat and to try to ignore the pain coming from the slash wound.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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