Chapter 3: An Alchemist's Pride and Joys

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It has been a few years since Saga and Tesla left Berk, and the two had been living on a tropical island outside of the Archipelago. They also have been raiding dragon hunter ships to gather materials for Saga's experiments, freeing captured dragons in the process.

Tesla had froze and tossed off the last of the dragon hunters on the ship she and Saga were raiding when Saga came across a chest with the strike class crest on it.

Saga: ( is curious ) Ooh! I wonder what this has in hold. ( Tries to open the chest, but it was locked ) ( to Tesla: ) Looks like we have to take this home to see what's inside, girl.

Saga then picked the chest up with a smile before she got on her flightmare, and Tesla picked up the net they had filled with the metal the two of them took from the ship before they took off to the direction of their island.

Saga then picked the chest up with a smile before she got on her flightmare, and Tesla picked up the net they had filled with the metal the two of them took from the ship before they took off to the direction of their island

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( A/n: I don't own the image, but this is what the island looks like. )

Saga: ( sighs with a smile ) Island sweet island!

Tesla then flew to the cave on the top of the island's mountain, and she lands on the platform outside the cave's entrance. Saga got off of her dragon and she carried the chest as the two of them walked into the cave, which Saga had made into a home with glowing blue crystals and lanterns for lighting.

 Saga got off of her dragon and she carried the chest as the two of them walked into the cave, which Saga had made into a home with glowing blue crystals and lanterns for lighting

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( A/n: Once again, I don't own the image, but this is what Saga's cave home looks like. )

Saga carefully placed the chest onto the kitchen counter, before she grabbed a knife from a drawer and began picking the lock. Tesla watched curiously as she was curious about what could be in the chest. Saga then smiled happily as she heard the chest unlock.

Saga: Yes! Now, let's see what's inside...

Saga then opened the chest to find....five jet black dragon eggs inside, making Saga gasp and Tesla made a sound of shock.

Saga: ( as she picked up one of the eggs: ) Oh my alchemy-

The egg in Saga's hands then began to crack.

Saga: Oh my Thor! Tesla, what do I do?! It's hatching!

Tesla made a slightly panicked sound as the egg began hatching. Saga then gasped in shock and awe as a small, baby night fury with bright green eyes hatched out of the egg in her hands.

Saga: Oh my... Toothless isn't the only one. And... ( To the baby night fury: ) you are the cutest little dragon I have ever seen! ( Gasps ) Tesla! We need to make a place for this little fury and these eggs to sleep. There's no way we're going to have these little ones sleeping on the floor.

Tesla purred happily in response, making Saga smile as she cradled the newly hatched night fury in her arms.

( A few weeks later )

Saga and Tesla had just finished up decorating the egg nursery they had made for the baby night fury and the night fury eggs, in a cave underneath their cave home. Tesla had made a large nest made of soft materials in the middle of the nursery, and Saga had made smaller nest and set them up around the larger nest for the night furies that'll hatch from the eggs and for any more night fury eggs they might find and rescue in the future. The nursery's walls were covered in cave paintings of different kinds of dragons, mainly night furies, and glowing blue crystal lanterns were beautifully hung around the nursery, lighting the room.

The baby night fury, who Saga hadn't named yet, slowly made his way to the nursery as he carefully went down the spiral staircase that connected the nursery to their cave home. Once he got there, he quickly started walking towards Saga with a smile, she looked down and saw the baby dragon do something adorably surprising as a greeting...the baby night fury winked with his left eye at her.

Saga: ( gasps ) Did you just wink?! Oh my gosh, that's adorable, l- Wait, I think I know the perfect name for you. " Winky "! ( To Tesla: ) What you think, girl?

Tesla purred happily before she licked the baby fury's face. Saga then went up to her cave home and grabbed the chest that had the four night fury eggs and she carried them down the stairs to the nursery. She then slowly placed the four eggs in the large nest Tesla made, and as soon as Saga placed the last egg in the nest, Tesla climbed into the nest and curled up around the four eggs, Winky jumped into the nest with Tesla and nuzzled up against her, making Saga smile out of pure joy.

( Present time )

Saga was washing the mud off her and Tesla's five baby night furies in a tub of water near the river at the bottom of their mountain. All of the dragons were wearing leather collars with their names sewn onto the leather. Winky was playfully tapping the yellow eyed baby night fury named " Panther " 's face, who was getting annoyed by it, the two twin baby furies " Ruff " and " Tuff " were play fighting each other in the water, while the wingless baby night fury was completely calm as Saga was washing the mud off his head with a wet cloth.

Saga: Winky, stop picking on Panther. And Ruff, Tuff, no play fighting in the tub! ( Tiredly sighs with a smile ) ( to Tesla: ) I hope the 15 little furies will be less of a handful once they hatch, but even if they aren't, each of them will still have a place in my heart like the six of you.

Tesla purrs in response as she watches Saga and the baby furies from the side.

Panther growls out of annoyance as Winky continued to tap his face, and he then pounced at Winky and the two began wrestling each other in the water.

Saga: Ah! Winky, Panther! No wrestling in the tub!


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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