Chapter 13: The Zippleback Experience ( Part 4 )

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( at the Clubhouse )

The gang, their dragons, Tesla, and the five baby furies see the distress signal from the Edge.

Tuffnut: That's Barf and Belch!

Ruffnut: That's their distress signal.

Tesla whines in worry when hearing this as the other riders sprung into action and got on their dragons before they took off flying straight to the source of the smoke. Rascal roared at them in protest, seemingly trying to tell them something, but they didn't hear him.

Tuffnut: Hey, wait! That's our dragon out there.

Ruffnut: What do we do?

The Thorston twins then turned to Toothless and Tesla, Tesla was struggling as she wanted to go save her rider and her soon arriving baby fury, but she didn't want to leave the other baby furies or lead them into a possible battlefield.

Tuffnut: ( to Toothless and Tesla, with a smirk that matched Ruffnut's: ) Hey, T, Tes, how have you two been?

Tesla lets out another whine in response, while the five baby furies shared determined looks as they wanted to go save their human surrogate mother and their little sibling.

( Meanwhile, back on the ship )

Saga, Hiccup, and Barf & Belch were still fighting off the hunters charging at them while the indigo eyed baby fury stayed on the Zippleback's back where it was safe, Saga was paralyzing them with a single cut of her dagger while Hiccup and the Zippleback were knocking them back.

Saga: ( to the hunters: ) Is that all you got? My night furies fight better than all of you combined! And they're just babies!

Ryker: I've had enough of this.

Ryker then joined in on the fight and shoved Hiccup to the ground, but when Ryker drew out his sword, Barf and Belch knocked him back with their tails. Saga then helped Hiccup up.

Saga: That was close.

Hiccup: ( to Barf & Belch: ) Nice job, guys.

Saga: Let's get ourselves and our new little star out of here.

As Saga and Hiccup were about to get on the Zippleback, they suddenly heard Dagur's voice.

Dagur: Oh, boys and alchemist!

Dagur laughed evilly as he had brought their attention to the ballista he was aiming at them, but then suddenly unexpected happened...













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