Chapter 2: A Dragon Friend?

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( A few days after The Fright of Passage )

Saga was walking alone along the beach of Berk at night, when she saw something wash up on the beach.

Saga: Huh?

Saga went towards it and took a closer look to find that the flightmare that had left Berk had washed up on the shores of Berk and was badly wounded with all kinds of wounds all over it's body.

Saga: Oh my Thor! You're hurt! I need to get- No, no, they'll probably just get annoyed. Oh- Wait! I know! ( To the Flightmare: ) Wait, there!

Saga took off, ran into the village, and came back to the beach beach with a cart and a blanket. She parked the cart a few inches away behind the wounded dragon

Saga: ( to the Flightmare, with a calm smile: ) Okay, I'm just going to put you in this cart so I could take you to my invention, the Scauldron's heart, so we can get those wounds cleaned before they get infected, so if you could, remain calm and I'm sorry for any pain I caused you when doing this.

The flightmare lets out a weak growl in response, making Saga look at the wounded dragon with a worried expression. She then went to the flightmare and slowly lifted the dragon into the cart, struggling a bit due to the dragon's weight. Once she got the dragon in the cart, Saga placed the blanket over the dragon with a smile.

Saga: Alright, now hang on tight. It's a bit of a long way to the Scauldron's heart, but I'm sure we can get there before anyone noticed that it has been too quiet in the village because of the lack of my presence.

Saga then slowly began pulling the cart, despite the weight as she was determined to get the flightmare to the Scauldron's heart so the dragon's wounds could be cleaned.

( A few hours of cart pulling later )

Saga finally got the cart to the underground pond, and sighs in relief as she parked the cart at the edge.

Saga: ( to the flightmare: ) Alright, I'm going to turn on the Scauldron's heart, and once the water is ready, I'll help you get in.

Saga went up to the machine and pulled the lever, turning it on. Once the water was the perfect temperature, Saga carefully removed the blanket from the dragon, and slowly lifted the cart, the flightmare slid into the water.

After a few seconds of being in the water, the flightmare popped up to the water's surface and swam to Saga, purring.

Saga: There you go, all better now. Wait here, I'm going to get you some bandages for those owies and I'll get you some fish to eat.

Sage then went outside, and when she left the flightmare whined as she didn't want the viking girl to leave.

Saga happily walked through the village with a smile and to Gothi's hut. The healer looked at Saga with a smile as the girl went to her hut.

Saga: Hey, Gothi! Do you have any extra bandages I can use?

Gothi nods her head, thinking that Saga was preparing to treat any wounds for a experiment, she went into her hut then came back with some rolls of bandages and she hands them to the girl.

Saga: Thanks, Gothi! You're the best!

( Two hours later )

Saga walked back to the flightmare in the underground pond with the bandages and a basket of fish. The flightmare purred at Saga as she tipped the basket over, to give the wounded dragon a easier access to the fish inside.

Saga: You eat up while I bandage up your wounds. Alright?

The flightmare purrs in response before she began eating the fish, and Saga began bandaging the dragon's wound.

Once Saga finished bandaging the dragon's wound after the flightmare finished eating the fish, the dragon turned to Saga.

Saga: There, feed and bandaged up. Once you are feeling all better, I'll see if I can find a safer route you could take instead of the one the riders' made. Which was kinda stupid of them to make without thinking of the consequences of making the said route. I mean, I know that you were attacking them and the village and all, but you were just trying to defend your food source. And-

Saga then stopped her rambling and looked at the ground with a sad expression.

Saga: ( to the flightmare: ) Sorry. I must've annoyed you with my rambling, huh?

The flightmare walked up to Saga and nuzzled her side while purring in response as a way to comfort her, surprising Saga, as she hadn't felt the warmth of comfort since her mother passed away. Saga then teared up a little before she slowly and hesitantly hugged the flightmare's head, making the dragon purr in response.

( A few weeks later )

Saga was sitting outside the cave to the underground pond with the flightmare, who was now named " Tesla " after her mother and the dragon has now fully recovered from her wounds, as the girl was sketching out an idea for a new invention, when the two caught glimpse of the dragon riders flying in the air in the distance. Tesla lets out a roar of fear before she ran into the cave entrance to hide, Saga looked at her dragon with concern as Tesla was now shaking in fear.

Saga: ( thoughts: ) Poor Tesla... I can't keep her on Berk, she'll just be surrounded in constant fear because of what Hiccup and the other riders did...

Saga then began remembering all her memories of how the people of Berk treated her, how they always get annoyed by her whenever she tries to show them one of her inventions, and she remembered how Hiccup and the other teens seem to try to avoid being around her because of it. She held back the tears of the pain the memories brought, and then she made a decision for the sake of the one creature that ever saw her more than a nuisance.

( Later that night, at Saga's house )

Saga had packed some of her things in a satchel, one of those things was the Viking Chief piece, and she left, leaving only a letter on her bed for the people of Berk to find. Saga then sneaked out of the village, to the cave to the underground pond. She went into the cave and to Tesla, who looked at her with confusion.

Saga: Come on, girl. We're going on a trip of a lifetime.

Saga then got on the flightmare's back, and the two took off, out of the cave and away from the island. Saga looked back with a sad expression as Berk became smaller and smaller, before she looked at Tesla, and her sad expression quickly turned into a sad smile as she knew that leaving the island she had known all her life was what was best for her dragon.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think about Saga and Tesla's relationship.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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