Chapter 22 - Actions vs Consequences

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"Closing your eyes to disappear

You pray your dreams will leave you here,

But still you wake and know the truth -

No one's there.

Say goodnight, don't be afraid

Calling me, calling me, as you fade to black"

My Last Breath - Evanescence

A/N: Don't normally do this - but this is a rough one guys x

A text from John informs me a guard is in place and, despite my tense muscles and convoluted thoughts, the knowledge she is safe relaxes me fractionally

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A text from John informs me a guard is in place and, despite my tense muscles and convoluted thoughts, the knowledge she is safe relaxes me fractionally. Despite Addy's constant refusal to meet me half-way I can't find it in myself to take out my frustrations on her, regardless of what I let her believe. My gut has not led me wrong, and so ignoring my instinct telling me she is a victim rather than an accomplice would be hypocritical and willfully ignorant.

I consider organising for Tink or Logan to keep an eye on Addy but my stubborn nature causes me to dismiss the idea. Tink is already coming in to work to cover Addy and Logan's absences - and I can grudgingly admit that Logan has earned a break after his success last night. I send a quick message to Tink to ensure she at least checks on Addy before leaving for her shift.

There's an annoying, persistent voice in my head that keeps insisting that I go look in on her myself but logic and reason argue that I am the last person she will want to see right now. I know there's a risk she could hurt herself again but I trust that Tink will alert me if anything is seriously amiss while I do everything in my power to unravel this particularly complex knot. It's the best way I can help Addy right now, while giving her and I some much needed space from one another.

After shooting off one more text to Eli I quickly fix my appearance and clear my mind. I need to be focused and rational, which means I can't allow myself to constantly fret and obsess over Addy.

Regardless of the early hour and short notice Eli beats me to the parking garage and is waiting patiently when I step out of the elevator. His familiar, stoic presence helps with my own intellectual and emotional equilibrium - a testament to the many years of friendship and companionship we share.

"Bossman - everything ok?" The downside to all those positives is that he is one of very few individuals who can read me like an open book. I ignore him at first as we climb into the car and begin our journey to work. Anyone else would quickly grow impatient and demand answers from me - not Eli though. He has the composure and restraint of a damn saint - which is ironic considering his disposition for violence.

"No, we have a huge problem - Addy is Joseph Page's daughter." The words seem to echo in the space between us and an almost comical look of shock overcomes his normally impassive features. I feel a sense of vindication at his surprise - at least I am not the only one caught off-guard by this information. 

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