Chapter 21 - Fatal Miscommunication

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"My Dahlia bathed in possession

She is home to me

I get nervous, perverse, when I see her it's worse

But the stress is astounding

It's now or never she's coming home


Vermilion - Slipknot

Adaline fucking Faith

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Adaline fucking Faith.

That girl has been a problem ever since we were kids. First she was daddy's little fucking princess; spoiled rotten and a damn snitch on top. The amount of beatings I copped back then thanks to that girl is not something I'm going to forgive or forget. At least I've been making up for it in the last few years. She had it coming. It amazes me, even with how young she was, that she has no memory of me from back then. Granted, she was only six when I stopped coming around at her father's insistance.

My old man was always on my case about her; if I wasn't getting in shit for losing track of her, then it was because she was running her mouth telling her parents something she caught me doing wrong.

Then her mum became a casualty of the rising tension between the Northside and Southside and the only thing holding her dad back from becoming the monster he always had the potential to be was suddenly gone. And become a monster he sure as hell did.

As a result of the crash my 'training' was kicked up a notch, or ten. I was only eleven years old and that was the year I first took a life in cold blood. I quickly learned that the rough upbringing my father had subjected me to was nothing - a fucking cake walk - in comparison to the years I spent shadowing my old man as a teen.

My dad changed too, after Evangeline's death - he became cold and unpredictable. The drug habit he picked up certainly didn't help. At first I tried to protect mum from him but I was just a fucking kid and there was only so much I could take before it was just easier to submit than fight.

True strength lies in acceptance - make the best of whatever shitty situation you find yourself in rather than wage a losing war. I crawled through hell only to come out the other side stronger - unlike Adaline.

So when, after all I went through, I was assigned as Adaline's glorified baby-sitter I was understandably livid. Joseph sweetened the deal by giving me full permission to keep her in line however I saw fit, and full access to each and every hole of hers whenever I wanted.

And now I don't even have that.

I finally have an opportunity to do what I spent years preparing for and that little bitch botched the whole operation in under a week. Now I'm lying to Joseph, and dodging his calls, while I figure out how to regain control of the situation. Although, at this point, I'm tempted to just pack up and disappear - start over somewhere new where I don't have one asshole or another constantly breathing down my neck.

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