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★★★Brighton college★★★

Benjamin's POV: all the students are now seated quietly on their various seat and one of my science teachers,Mr. Derick grabbed the microphone to anchor the prize giving service.

When he picked up the microphone,it made a ballyhoo of echoes which made us to close our ears in unison.

There were lots of activities motivational speech given to us by one of my ex-teachers,Mrs. Scarlet.

Now it is time to call out the best students and award them according to their highest academic grade.

I can feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart beating twice the normal pace in a second.

Mr. Derick collected the microphone from Mrs. Scarlet and we all applauded her for her motivative speech.

"Hello my dear students"Mr. Derick shouted and we all said " hi" to him.

"Now we are about to award the best students,Mr. Derick said with happiness shown on his face.

I took a deep breath and positioned my eyes on Mr. Derick.

"The best student award in Art class goes to.......
Roberts Sandra",Mr. Derick said bringing out a wrapped gift and a large textbook.

We all applauded her as she walked out to receive her prize.

This libido that was staring at me in a romantic way is also one of the best students,I said to myself while still staring at her with an irritated expression.

"Now,the best student in commercial class is Tompson James",Mr. Derick said bringing out a large textbook and a wrapped gift.

Wow! My brother is also a champion in his class,I said to myself with happiness in me, while applauding him.

James moved out elegantly with a broad smile on his face to receive his prize.

"And finally, the best student award in science class goes to Tompson Benjamin",Mr. Derick said bringing out a large textbook with a wrapped gift.

When I heard my name, the veins of my head jumped to its acme in my skull, which caused my head to turn reddish like an over ripped tomato and my injured eye turned reddish brown like a pair of kidneys.

I stood up from my seat joyfully and some of my teachers gave me a paean, which caused my blood to pump into my veins rapidly.

Then I took a deep breath before I exploded with bl**shes.

But quite unfortunately,my cap slipped off from my head and fell to the ground.

"Benjamin, what happened to your eyes? Mr. Derick asked and the remaining students and teachers froze to take a look at my swollen eye.

I paused a moment and made an eye contact with Michaela who was looking at me in an aggressive way which caused me to tremble.

But I told lies to Mr. Derick,so as to protect my life from beelzebub.

"Alright ensure you take good care of your eye",Mr. Derick advised me and I nodded my head in agreement.

My gift was presented to me by Mr. Derick and I was so happy to receive such prize for my academic performance.

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