chapter 15

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Magnus descended into the dungeon, where the air was heavy with shadows and echoes of captivity. Ava, victorious against the elementals with an unexpected alliance with Violetta, had opened a path for Nathaniel's escape.

Addressing Nathaniel, Magnus inquired, "Do you want to get out of here?"

Nathaniel's gaze pierced through the dimness, his response tinged with suspicion. "Of course, I do, but I don't like what you are doing here."

Magnus leaned in, his voice low and conspiratorial, "We need to introduce you to Ava. She needs your powers.

Nathaniel hesitated, caught between the desire for freedom and his reservations about Magnus's intentions. Yet, the yearning for liberty prevailed. "Alright, but if I sense anything suspicious, I won't cooperate," he warned.

Magnus led Nathaniel out of the dungeon, climbing the stairs back into the world of sunlight. They emerged to find Ava, who had been practicing her newly acquired powers in the garden. She turned, surprised to see Nathaniel with Magnus.

Magnus, with a sly smile, introduced them, "Ava, meet Nathaniel. He has a unique power that will complement your abilities. Nathaniel, Ava here is a force to be reckoned with.
Nathaniel approached Ava with deliberate steps, extending his hand in a gesture of goodwill. Ava, hesitating, questioned Nathaniel about the nature of his power.

"I can shape-shift into anything," he calmly disclosed, "whether human or animal."

Ava, astonished, had never encountered such an ability before. Magnus intervened, encouraging Nathaniel to demonstrate. With a careful touch, Magnus unlocked the cuff on Nathaniel's wrist, accompanying it with a stern warning against any mischief.

Nathaniel approached Ava with deliberate steps, extending his hand in a gesture of goodwill. Ava, hesitating, questioned Nathaniel about the nature of his power.

"I can shape-shift into anything," he calmly disclosed, "whether human or animal."

Ava, astonished, had never encountered such an ability before. Magnus intervened, encouraging Nathaniel to demonstrate. With a careful touch, Magnus unlocked the cuff on Nathaniel's wrist, accompanying it with a stern warning against any mischief.

Ava extended her hand towards Nathaniel's, a tingling energy resonating in the air as they neared each other. As Nathaniel stepped forward, their hands touched, emitting a radiant silver light that pulsed and then dimmed.

Ava pondered, "This has never occurred before when I acquired another power." Magnus, astounded, couldn't believe what he was witnessing – a phenomenon unseen for so long.

In that moment, he realized that destiny intricately wove together the fates of Nathaniel and Ava, forging a true bond illuminated by the ethereal silver light.

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