chapter 11

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In a dimly lit workroom downstairs, Magnus and Emiline engaged in a conversation spoken in hushed tones. The room served as an office, its shelves housing an array of books, some of which lay scattered on the floor.

With a smile, Magnus addressed Emiline, "Our plan is working, Emi." Using a nickname for his old friend, Magnus grinned as they exchanged crucial information about the past nine years. To ensure their plan's success, they had deliberately kept their distance from each other. Magnus, with one foot in the human world and the other in theirs, updated Emiline about Ava's mother, who had never given up hope since the day Ava was taken.

Magnus reminded Emiline of the bond between Ava and her mother, awakened on the night of her 11th birthday. Leaving the void meant Ava's mother could locate her, so they had been exploring ways to break that bond. Ava was now strong enough, marking the opportune moment to introduce her to others with powers, allowing her to learn and grow more formidable for the success of their intricate plan.

Magnus beckoned Emiline to follow him, leading her out of the room and through another door along the corridor. A plain brass key unlocked the door, revealing a staircase that descended into a dirt-lined basement. At the bottom, they turned left, finding themselves facing yet another door. Magnus whispered a few words, and the door creaked open.

Entering the room, they discovered cells, each secured with solid silver bars. Dim lights illuminated the space, and Emiline counted ten cells, five of which were occupied.

Puzzled, Emiline asked, "What is this, Magnus?"

"These five hold powers we want Ava to acquire," Magnus explained. "I've been collecting them since you arrived. Violetta's strength made it so easy," he grinned proudly.

Magnus pointed to each occupied cell, whispering, "Water, air, fire, spirit," and paused at the last one where a boy was held.

Emiline inquired, "And that one?"

Magnus replied, "That one is my son."

Emiline gasped, her surprise echoing in the dimly lit room.

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