chapter 12

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The boy, lost in his own thoughts, looked up and glared at his dad with disgust. His silvery blue eyes shone brightly with distaste as he spat, "What is it now, Dad?" Saying the word "Dad" with so much venom that it hit Emiline, and she took a step back.

Magnus's demeanor changed, and he laughed. "Nathaniel," he said, "your disobedience caused this. Why can't you take a leaf out of Voiletta's book?"

Nathaniel's eyes softened at the mention of his sister, hoping she was okay. Emiline, curious, asked, "What is his power?" Magnus rubbed his hands together in glee as he looked at his 13-year-old son, showing not an ounce of regret.

"He can change shapes and become other people and animals. If you notice the cuff on his wrist, that stops him from being able to do it."

Emiline greedily smiled and said, "And Ava... Ava needs this power."

Ava and Voiletta were immersed in a leisurely game of backgammon, enjoying a moment of relaxation with their homemade wooden pieces. Suddenly, Ava's aunt burst into the room, breathless. "Ava, come quickly!" she cried. Ava swiftly rose and followed her aunt outside.

In the open, Magnus appeared as if he had engaged in a fierce battle. On the ground lay a man in his mid-20s with blue hair and closed eyes.

"Quickly, Ava!" cried Magnus.

Approaching, Ava noticed a substantial gash across the man's chest. Placing both hands above him, she channeled her energy, feeling the familiar tingle confirming her healing abilities.

Curious about the stranger's origin, Ava glanced at Magnus, seeking answers. "Something strong breached the void," Magnus explained. "This man was pursuing it. I managed to banish it, but he was injured in the process."

"Thank you for healing him, Ava," her aunt expressed gratitude.

As Ava turned to head back inside, Magnus and her aunt exchanged a gleeful look—Ava would now possess the power of air.

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