chapter 4

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Ava's not-mum locked eyes with her, the depth of emotion veiled behind a stoic facade. Ava, despite being just 11, possessed an uncanny ability to read people's emotions, a skill that allowed her to sense the imminent words. As her not-mum prepared to speak again, Ava took a bite of her now-cold egg and cheese muffin, a mundane act in the midst of extraordinary revelations.

"You were 2 years old," her not-mum began, the weight of untold history woven into the narrative. "Your mother and father were at loggerheads over you. Your mum wanted you to be trained, to have everyone know how unique you were and what powers you possessed. Your father, on the other hand, wanted to keep you hidden and safe. He had heard of plots to kidnap you, and he loved you so much that he didn't want people to exploit you."

Ava, absorbing the complexity of her past, felt the layers of her identity peel back. "He overheard your mum planning to take you away," her not-mum continued, the revelations deepening. "He asked me to take you, to keep you safe, be your mum, and help you navigate the human world. Your dad trusted me. I mean, of course, he would. We are family. I'm actually your aunt."!!

Ava's gaze lingered on the empty wrapper, a solitary tear forming in her right eye. The weight of revelation pressed on her, a realization that she had never truly known either of her parents.

"So, what happened to my parents?" she finally spoke, the words carrying a quiet plea for a deeper understanding of the intricate tapestry of her past.

Ava's not-mum, or rather her aunt, began to unravel the threads of history. "Your dad left this world many years ago. He was killed in a battle over you after we had fled," she explained, each word etching a somber tale of sacrifice. "Your mum—she killed him. Knowing he had taken you from her and she couldn't use you, she killed him in a fit of rage. She's been looking for you ever since."

Ava spoke in hushed tones, the weight of the revelation settling in her consciousness. "Mu... um, Aunt," she whispered the unfamiliar word, grappling with the newfound understanding of familial ties. "Does my mum have red hair like mine? And red eyes?"

Yes!!! Came the reply

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