chapter 9

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Ava stirred from her slumber the next morning, briefly grappling with the disorientation that often follows a deep and restful night's sleep. As awareness dawned, she took in the surroundings, realizing that the room, unfamiliar yet comforting, was now her temporary sanctuary. The respite had worked its magic, leaving her feeling revitalized after days of restless travel.

A gentle knock on the door heralded the entrance of a maid, an older lady with hair that hinted at greys along the edges. Her eyes, however, held a mesmerizing peculiarity – pure white orbs that added an otherworldly touch to her demeanor. The maid carefully placed a tray on the small side table, adorned with toast and jam, a selection of fresh fruit, and a glass of orange juice. In a soft-spoken manner, she informed Ava, "There are training clothes in the closet. Magnus wants you downstairs in the living area in one hour's time.

Ava indulged in her breakfast, relishing each bite before she showered and changed into the clothes thoughtfully provided for her. Donned in khaki combat trousers paired with an emerald green T-shirt, and sporting running shoes, she tied her hair into a practical ponytail after drying it. Ready for the day's endeavors, Ava descended the stairs, anticipation mingling with the crisp morning air.

Downstairs, Violetta awaited her, similarly attired in an enchanting shade of emerald blue. With a friendly greeting, Violetta informed Ava, "Oh, good, you're here. Dad and Emmiline said to meet us downstairs in the potions room."

Led down the spiral staircase, Ava found herself entering the third door on the left. The room revealed a treasure trove of shelves adorned with bottles containing various mysterious mixtures. At the room's center stood a smaller hexagonal table, around which Magnus and her aunt were gathered. Emmiline, her black hair neatly tied into a bun, donned a long purple robe, while Magnus flipped through the pages of a substantial book with silver edges. With each page turn, Ava could almost swear she heard a faint hissing sound, intensifying the air of mystique that surrounded them.

Magnus greeted them with a smile. "Ah, you're both here, fantastic. Let's get started."

With purposeful movements, he seized a large black pewter bowl from a shelf, deftly pouring in an array of dried ingredients—mushrooms, spices, and other mysterious components. Ava observed with curiosity as Magnus reached from shelf to shelf, muttering to himself while selecting an assortment of bottles. She caught snippets of his murmurs—dew captured from an orchid in moonlight, dried grasshopper, and something concerning blood from a heart. The latter made her shudder at the unsettling thought of its origin.

Ava's aunt stood ready, and Magnus fixed a purposeful gaze on her. "Now," he declared, "we need blood from a family member, given willingly." Emmeline picked up an intricately carved silver knife from the table, and before Ava could utter a protest, her aunt swiftly drew it across the palm of her hand, letting blood bead to the surface. Magnus seized Emmeline's hand and held it over the bowl, squeezing, causing Emmeline to grimace in pain.

Releasing Emmeline's hand, Magnus declared, "Enough!" With purpose, he grabbed a pair of scissors and walked over to Ava, cutting off the bottom of her ponytail and adding it to the bowl.

Suddenly, smoke began to rise from the bowl—a swirl of blacks, reds, and hints of gold—and Ava could hear a sizzling noise, despite the absence of fire.

Magnus smiled and announced, "It is done." Reaching into the bowl, he pulled out a small red and gold pill. The air in the room hummed with the residual energy of the alchemical concoction.

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