chapter 8

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Ava took in the details of her room, eyeing the inviting four-poster bed. After days of sleeping in the car, the prospect of sinking into that bed held undeniable appeal. However, she opted for a shower, relishing the sensation of hot water cascading over her shoulders, slowly easing away the tension.

At just eleven, Ava felt a weight beyond her years, as if she had glimpsed more than memory could retain. The recent days of travel felt like a lifetime compressed into fleeting moments.

Emerging from the shower, Ava felt remarkably refreshed. In her room, she changed into comfortable lounge wear, brushed and braided her red hair, contemplating the possibility of heading downstairs for food as her stomach rumbled.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. Opening it, she found a girl around her age with black hair and the same purple eyes as Magnus.

"Hi," she greeted. "I'm Violetta. You must be Avaline. Come, we have food waiting downstairs."

Violetta took Ava's hand, leading her downstairs to the hexagonal granite table. Her aunt was already seated, engrossed in conversation with Magnus.

The room fell into a hushed silence as Ava and Violetta approached the table.

"Ava, I see you have met my daughter," Magnus stated. "She had her birthday two months ago, so she just got her powers and is also in training."

Ava shyly smiled at Violetta, still unable to shake a feeling of unease about Magnus.

"Come, eat," urged Ava's aunt. "We have a hot stew full of vegetables – such a change from all that takeaway food. Oh, and soMagnus offered a warm smile and said, "Okay, eat up. Then off to bed for you two. Tomorrow, we are going to unlock and unbind Ava's powers. You'll need plenty of sleep; it's going to be a very busy day."

The hexagonal granite table became a focal point for this pivotal moment, laden with anticipation. The promise of unraveling Ava's dormant abilities hung in the air, casting a sense of excitement and apprehension as the day's revelations hinted at an intricate journey awaiting them in the realm between fresh warm bread."

Ava and Violetta seated themselves at the hexagonal granite table and helped themselves to the comforting meal.

Curiosity gnawed at Ava, and she couldn't resist asking Violetta about her power.

Violetta smiled with pride and declared, "I have two powers. I can manipulate the earth, just like my dad, and I also have immense strength."

Magnus offered a warm smile and said, "Okay, eat up. Then off to bed for you two. Tomorrow, we are going to unlock and unbind Ava's powers. You'll need plenty of sleep; it's going to be a very busy day."

The hexagonal granite table became a focal point for this pivotal moment, laden with anticipation. The promise of unraveling Ava's dormant abilities hung in the air, casting a sense of excitement and apprehension in the air

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