chapter 10

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Magnus guided Ava, her aunt, and Violetta out of the potions room and into the morning air, the shadow of the colossal tree enveloping them. Ava shivered in the cold, the sun beginning to rise over the sea, and the soothing sound of waves reached her ears.

They followed Magnus to the clearing, finding a hexagon-shaped area cut into the grass, surrounded by granite rocks. From his pocket, Magnus produced a bottle of black liquid, pouring it into the glass while muttering incomprehensible words. "Stand in that spot," he barked at Ava.

Hesitant, Ava found herself guided into the smoking spot by her aunt and Violetta. Surprisingly, the sensation was pleasant—a gentle tingle at her feet.

Handing Ava the pill he had created, Magnus instructed her to swallow it. She complied, feeling as if she had no other choice.

Then, from his pocket, Magnus produced another vial, this time filled with red liquid, and tossed it over Ava while muttering more words. Suddenly, a lightning flash appeared out of nowhere, and Ava shrieked as her ponytail snapped, her hair flying wildly around her face. She found herself engulfed in a blinding golden light before collapsing to the ground.

Ava groaned loudly, and as her aunt urged, "Ava, stand up now," she shakily rose to her feet.

Her red hair appeared longer, intertwined with glimmering bits of gold. Stepping out of the circle, Ava surveyed her surroundings. Magnus, her aunt, and Violetta stared with mouths agape. Ava met their gaze with the most piercing gold eyes they had ever seen. It was undeniable—she was special, and they had succeeded in releasing the binds that held Ava's powers beneath the surface.

Ava stood there, sensing a newfound strength coursing through her. An unfamiliar power zipped over her, akin to a warm tingle, affirming its presence. She took a deep breath and approached her aunt, reaching for the injured hand. Instinctively, she placed her left hand over the cut, and it glowed, leaving behind no trace—as if the cut had never occurred in the first place.

Several months later, Ava found herself in the now-familiar surroundings, engaged in outdoor training. Not only had she honed her newfound powers, but she had also dedicated herself to physical fitness, sculpting muscles and fostering strength.

Through her endeavors, Ava discovered that she not only possessed the ability to heal but also wielded Magnus's power to manipulate the earth and Voiletta's strength. Additionally, she could utilize her aunt's gift—finding people, a potent pull like a silver thread guiding her to her aunt's whereabouts.

Magnus revealed a unique aspect of Ava's abilities; she could wield any power upon contact with someone possessing that power. However, the exceptional healing power she possessed remained an unheard-of phenomenon.

As night descended after an exhaustive day of training, Ava succumbed to the embrace of sleep. In her dreams, flashes of her birth mother's red hair and crimson eyes infiltrated her mind. Amidst these visions, words echoed, "Ava, don't trust them. I will find you. I will keep you safe."

Ava abruptly awoke, grappling with the haunting question: What did this dream mean?

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