Chapter 3

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SAME DAY (~~~)


The year was 2011, over a year since the girls had joined the company. The rhythmic sound of footsteps resonated through the spacious room, blending with the trainees' labored breaths. Hours of relentless practice had taken its toll, etching fatigue onto their faces. Repeating the routine for what seemed like the hundredth time, they strived for perfection, their bodies drenched in sweat, yearning for a momentary respite.

Suddenly, a commanding voice pierced through the air, causing the trainees to freeze in their tracks. "Minji, you've made another mistake," the choreographer scolded, directing her frustration towards a girl positioned on the far right. With utmost humility, Minji bowed deeply and uttered an apologetic response. However, the choreographer's anger persisted, questioning the need for repeated attempts. "How many times must we start over before you get it?" she demanded, her tone laced with irritation.

With her head hung low, Minji vowed to improve, seeking the choreographer's approval. Dismissing Minji, the choreographer turned her attention to the remaining trainees, scanning the room. "YN, Juyeon, and Changmin, step forward," she commanded, and the trio promptly obeyed.

"You are gonna watch and analyze what they do. Because it seems like they are the only ones who know how to dance around here." She spoke moving to the trio. "You'll be doing the first five measures" she spoke walking to the sound system and starting the music. Pound Cake/ParisMorton by Drake sounded out of the speakers again. The 4:10 mark giving the trio time to catch when the beat would kick in and once it did everyone's eyes zoned in on them.

They say that music is the language of the soul, and this was one of the first time that anyone had seen it happen in person. The way that they danced in and out of the music was mesmerizing to say the least. It was like they were telling a story without even opening their mouths.

The music's volume was soon lowered, and the choreographer began applauding. "See, this is exactly what I expect from each and every one of you," she started, making her way through the group. "Notice how they never made any mistakes or complained even once?" She looked directly into the eyes of some students. "They have put in the same amount of time and maybe even worked harder than all of you. But the moment I asked them to come to the front and perform what was asked, they did it flawlessly. That's the kind of dedication it takes to become an idol. Complaining, making mistakes, and expecting others to hold your hand throughout this process won't get you anywhere. Laziness leads you nowhere." She concluded, shifting her attention back to YN, Juyeon, and Changmin. "You three, take a break and get some water. As for everyone else, get back in line and we'll do it again."

The three of them bowed and made their way towards their bags. "Good job, you guys killed it." YN spoke loud enough for them to hear Changmin, though tired, managed a smile and replied, "You too, your execution was amazing." YN returned his smile, her own filled with gratitude. As they sat down, Juyeon asked YN from his standing position, "You dance for long?" She nodded and replied, "Since I was maybe 7-8. You?" Juyeon shared, "Since primary school, he and I trained together before coming here." He pulled out a towel from his bag and wiped away the sweat from his face.

YN couldn't hide her astonishment and exclaimed looking between the two of them, "Really? Wow, y'all are amazing." Changmin simply looked down at his lap and humbly said, "Thanks." Juyeon, crouching next to YN, chimed in, "Hey, after this, you should come grab some food from the convenience store up the street with us!" YN's excitement was palpable as she eagerly replied, "Sure!" Juyeon smiled and said, "Okay, cool." The three of them got up and returned to their practice.

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