Chapter 2

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SAME DAY (~~~)



"We have to complete individual entrance evaluations," YN said, carefully placing her necessities in her dance bag. Chan's voice came through the phone, after nearly two hours of conversation, asking, "Really? That must be scary." She sighed, acknowledging the challenge ahead, "It is. We might have to start from scratch, which means all the progress we made could be for nothing." Zipping up her bag and placing it near her bedroom door, she continued the conversation.

Trying to uplift her spirits, Chan reassured her, "Don't say that. You guys are going to do great." Lying down on her bed, with the phone now near her head, she replied, "I hope so." Chan's smile radiated through his words as he said, "Well, even if no one else is cheering you on, know that I always am." Grateful for his support, she responded with a heartfelt "Thanks," though he couldn't see her smile. Glancing at the time, she realized it was almost 11 pm. "But it's getting late, and we have to be there early, so I'll call you soon," she said, her voice carrying a tinge of sadness that Chan picked up on. "Okay," he replied, his grip on the phone tightening slightly. "Goodnight," she whispered softly. "Goodnight," he echoed.

As she hung up the phone, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The entrance evaluations were a scary experience, and the thought of starting from scratch was daunting. She had been practicing for months with her two friends, and they had made significant progress. But now, they had to prove themselves individually, and the pressure was mounting.

She tried to push the negative thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand. She knew that her passion for dance would drive her to give her best, but the uncertainty of the outcome was still unsettling. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

As she drifted off to sleep, she couldn't help but think about Chan's words of encouragement. His unwavering support had always been a source of strength for her, and she knew that he believed in her. She felt a surge of determination, knowing that she had to give her best not just for herself but also for those who believed in her.


Footsteps trailed the halls as curious eyes looked around, taking in the new area. The conversation of the parents fully drowned out by the curiosity that was the building that potentially held the three girls' future. Quotes of positivity decorated the small Corredor as a staff manager led the girls and their parents through the halls. "So it's guaranteed that the girls will get in?" Samantha's mom asked nervously "More than likely, considering that they've had previous training before coming here they should have a spot post entrance evaluation as long as they meet the criteria." The staff answered honestly. "Okay good." She said as they turned a final corner.

"And here we are," the manager announced, as they arrived at a bustling waiting area filled with parents of the trainees. "This is where we have the parents wait while their children undergo their first evaluation to determine if they are ready to begin their training with us," the staff explained.

YN's mother couldn't help but ask, "Can we watch?"

"We usually don't recommend parents watching, as it can add unnecessary pressure on the trainees and hinder their performance," the manager replied empathetically.

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