Chapter 1

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SAME DAY (~~~)


The evening is a warm one in the summer of '05. Toys of every shape and size scatter the fluffy, rug-covered floor. The high-pitched laughter of two sisters fills the large living room. YN walks the Barbie doll across the floor toward Jaz, who holds a Stacie doll. "Woah, Stacie, your hair looks so pretty today," YN says in an admiring tone.

"Thanks, Barbie, yours looks pretty too," Jaz responds with bright eyes.

"Stacie, let's go walk Sequin," YN says, grabbing the small plastic dog and wrapping the leash around Barbie's wrist.

"Okay, Barbie," Jaz says, moving the doll in unison with YN. As the two sisters continue playing, YN couldn't help but notice the door to her father's office closing abruptly.

Inside the office, Andrew sits down heavily in his chair, looking at a picture frame containing a photo of YN, Jaz, and his wife, Nia. "Come on, Jin, you can't seriously think this is a good idea," he says, his voice softening into a plea. "She's a kid."

"Drew, you and I both know that YN could be amazing," Jin responds with optimism. "When she sings, even if she doesn't know what the words mean, she does it with confidence. And when she dances, it's no different. She's talented. You see it, and I see it. Not giving her this opportunity could waste her talents. Just give me the chance to make her great."

Jin's conviction is compelling, but Andrew knows he can't make a decision like this without his wife's input. No way.

With a heavy sigh, he replies, "Fine, let me... let me talk to Nia, and I'll have an answer by next week, maybe." Scratching at the back of his neck, he adds, "Alright. Talk to you soon."

He can hear the smile in Jin's response, "Alright."

As Andrew hangs up the phone, he hears the quiet sound of the office door clicking and realizes that Nia has made her way into the room just as the call ended. "You okay?" she asks with a soft smile.

"Yeah," he replies with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" she asks, massaging his shoulders. 

With a deep sigh he explained the situation, that Jinyoung was interested in signing YN to his company noticing the concern in her eyes. Nia was always protective of their daughters, wanting to shield them from any potential harm or disappointment.

"But she's just a child," Nia says, her voice filled with worry. "We can't expose her to the industry at her age. It's too much."

Andrew understands Nia's concerns but can't ignore the undeniable talent that YN possesses. He knows that with the right guidance and support, she could truly excel in the world of music.

"I know it's a lot to consider, Nia," Andrew replies, reaching out to hold her hand. "But we can't deny YN the chance to explore her potential. We've always encouraged her to pursue her dreams, and this could be the opportunity she's been waiting for."

Nia sighs, her gaze shifting toward the photo frame on his desk. The image of their family, captured in a moment of pure joy, reminds her of the happiness they have built together. She can't bear the thought of anything jeopardizing that.

"I just worry about her losing her innocence," Nia confesses, her voice trembling with emotion. "The entertainment industry can be harsh and unforgiving. I don't want her to lose herself in the pursuit of fame."

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