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Isha's P.O.V:

I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room... I trusted him but he was only a cheat... I found my hands and legs tied... the door opened and his shadow was visible... I feel really cold I don't even have a single cloth in my body... He is torturing me to hell... I want to cover myself but I am completely tied to his bed...

"What do you want? Why did you bring me?" I asked him...

"To get us married... let your brother know with whom he was dealing with..." he said as he came closer to me...

"I won't marry you... I will never marry you... You are nothing but a cheater!" I shouted and he grabbed my hair through his fingers... I cannot bear the pain...

"Leave me Arjun!" I shouted...

"Didn't you like it when you shared the bed with me?" he asked and I realised I made such bad decisions for falling for him...

"Forget it... we will be husband and wife tomorrow by this time... I want to fuck you as your boyfriend for this one last time..." He said scaring me...

"Isha... You don't have anything to do my love... It was you who kissed me first and took all this move in our relationship..." He said making me feel disgusted...

"let's not waste time..." he said and started rubbing my womanhood...

"Arjun... ahhh... stop it..." I shouted... I don't have any feelings for him now...

He laughed and started thrusting himself into me... He gave me his marks and spanked me... This is not the Arjun I love... I loved... He just needs his revenge... He never loved me...


ARJUN SINGHANIA ~ Ruthless mafia cum Billionaire, Does a lot of business in the Dark, Not a person who trusts love, Will do anything for his revenge, Biggest Rival of DEEPAK SHARMA.

ISHA SHARMA ~ Rich yet kind, Trusts Destiny, Family's Favourite, Loves to travel, Loves her brother DEEPAK SHARMA than anything, Too naive.

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