Chapter 19: Ouroboros

Start from the beginning



Thick eyelashes trembled and the next second, Ji Yushi opened his eyes.
Pain from his abdomen slowly travelled up to his brain. The pain was so bad, he could hardly support himself up. He could only lie in place, taking small breaths.

Fragmented memories returned with the pain. Ji Yushi remembered that he and Song Qinglan were analysing the current situation.
He was only halfway through his words; he still had many things he wanted to say. He was extremely afraid that he would not wake up again once he closed his eyes.
The person sitting next to him placed down the binoculars and looked over, “Advisor Ji! You’re already awake!”
It was Li Chun.

Ji Yushi was still in a confused state, “How long did I sleep for?”
Li Chun checked the communicator, “It is now 10:42. Since you fell unconscious, you slept for less than an hour!”

Ji Yushi took in his surroundings. He saw that they were currently on a second floor balcony.
The low walls were made of small carved bricks, making it hard for them to be spotted from outside but also allowing them to observe the outside situation through the gaps.

Ji Yushi had been placed onto a deck chair on the balcony by his teammates. A large parasol blocked out most of the sun for him so that he wouldn’t die from heatstroke.
If not for the growls from the zombies, Ji Yushi would have thought that he was taking an afternoon nap at someone’s place.
Sure enough, when he turned his head a little and looked through the gaps in the bricks, he saw zombies wandering around in groups below.

If he looked a little further, he could see part of the bookstore on the other side of the street.

“Advisor Ji, you sleep very lightly. You had clearly fallen unconscious, but your eyes were still moving around under your eyelids. You clearly weren’t resting well.” Li Chun said this while holding a pair of binoculars. He was talkative, this was something Ji Yushi already knew, “I heard that you usually don’t sleep well but you’re injured so it’s best to rest a little. How could you not say a word and endure it the whole time?”
Ji Yushi had nothing to say in response to that and he also didn’t know what to say.

“Shit.” Li Chun suddenly cursed, “I’m so fucking stupid.”
Ji Yushi: “……….”

Li Chun spoke with embarrassment as he looked out through the binoculars, “It turns out that I have such a bad walking posture. Why didn’t anyone tell me?! I thought I was handsome! No wonder I’ve been so unsuccessful with my relationships and the sisters all fly away. Even Old Zhou walks better than me.”

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Ji Yushi suddenly remembered —– At this time, Team 2 should have escaped from Runjin Building and, after losing Tang Qi and Duan Wen, the group of five should have arrived at the bookstore!
He turned to look. He could faintly see several figures in the bookstore. They were from Team 2!

In just a few seconds, a chill ran down his back.
Li Chun and the others already know?

“Advisor Ji, you don’t have to worry. Cap Song has already told us.” Ji Chun turned around and spoke to him, “Because the mission was restarted, different ‘us’ would appear at the same time. Sooner or later, we will meet, just like you two and us right now.”

Song Qinglan has already told them?

For Song Qinglan to do something like this, Ji Yushi could understand.
But wasn’t Li Chun’s reaction too calm? Why would he still be in the mood to complain about his other self in a situation like this? Shouldn’t he be scared at the thought of it?

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