chapter 20

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Cassie's Pov...

        Finally this is going easy as no one seem to suspect me and I'm happy this is happening and i can finally get out of this as soon as possible.i assure myself.
"Now let's show you our rooms"falin says as the maid sends my luggage upstairs.
"O-okay " i say in my manly voice trying to look tough.
"You're soo smallish" Alex says behind us as we walked further upstairs.
When we reach the double door,falin leaves my shoulder and opens the gate.
"You'll be staying with us" i look at the huge bedroom, there was six beds inside including mine.
"You live together in one room?"i say horrified. He smiles sheepishly and ruffle my wig hair and nods.
"Now the bed besides yours is Liam's" he says pointing to the farthest bed in the corner of the room. And the one opposite yours is mine while the rest are for Alex,Dan and Elias" he says.
"We'll be roommates from now onwards buddy now get changed and come down stairs for dinner " he says while scurrying away.
"O-okay" i whisper. 
"Whew...that was close" i say as i put my hand on my chest.
I go into the bathroom with my clothes and wrap the cloth on my breasts well before putting on my hoodie and adjusting my moustache.
"Now lets go downstairs " I assure myself and head out.
As soon as i got down falin called me.
"Hey! Joan, come over to your seat is beside me" Falin says and i quickly rush to him.
"So joan, do you work?" Liam asks
"erm.. no" i say.
"How about working in my company as my assistant huh?". He asks.
"O-okay, I'll think about that".
I quickly dig into my dinner without looking up. This is soo delicious i say to myself as i choke on the food.
"easy man! The food is not going anywhere" Alex says handling me a glass of water.
"Thanks". I say politely.
Pat...pat then i hear falin patting my back to soothe the hiccup i was having.
"Slow down...its like you've been starved for days" he says. 
I continue eating without minding anyone again.
As we finished i quickly go upstairs and take my clothes to the bathroom and take a quick shower before the boys come upstairs as they seem to be busy discussing downstairs.
I do the necessary things and head off to sleep. Its soo hot in here as i use my hand to fan myself.
"Take off your shirt man" falin says as he takes off his shirt followed by the other.
"No im okay" i say while getting into bed.
They're all shirtless and have sexy bodies, i think as i secretly watch them.
" This is going to be a long night" i mutter to myself as i laid there half awake.

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞

Published on 23rd February 2024

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