chapter 17; Glimpse of the past.

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  Sarah's Pov...

I woke up coughing as the smoke entered my nostrils, i open my eyes to see the huge fire infront of me. Oh no did Vithera do this?.does she hate me soo much?.i use my hand to help myself on my knees as i try and to stand up, the back of my head hurts soo much. As i reach the door and then boom its locked. I start shouting for help but to no avail. My consciousness is slipping every second i stay in this place. As i try to open the window and call for help thats when i see that the fire has done a lot of damage and any moment from now,the room might blast. As i look out of the window, i saw that people have gathered outside the building as the smoke was so intense.
"H-help!!!"i scream while looking at the people down with tears streaming down my face.just then i hear someone calling my name, is that Roshan??
"Sarah!!"he screams outside the door.
I tried to run to the door but the fire had circled me already so i screamed.
"Help me please".
Then i hear the door being taken down as he enters.Thats the only thing i saw and fell unconscious again due to the smoke.

When Roshan entered the first thing he saw was the fire and the unconscious sarah lying beside the window.
" Ive done a lot of bad things to you already and if saving you will be the last thing I'll do then  so be it" Roshan says.

Roshan quickly gets to Sarah's side  and picks her up but as he tried to get back to the door the ceiling there collapsed making it difficult to pass through. Roshan then looks at the window finally the firefighters are here. He looks at the people in their room next to Sarah's house and screams at them.
"I'm throwing her to you, please catch her" Roshan says as he secures sarah in the blanket.
The people next door immediately became ready to abide by.
And just then Roshan throws Sarah to them and luckily they could catch her.
Roshan smiles showing his two dimples before he gets back to the room and trrys to jump through the door but unfortunately for him the ceiling came crushing on him and just them there was a *boom!!!* Sound making everyone scream and cover their ears.
The people there immediately sends Sarah to the hospital as she was unconscious.
When Vithera saw the news about the huge fire and the dead body, she became very happy and couldn't stop herself from going to the hospital.
Finally sarah is gone and Dominic is now mine. She thinks evily. She gets to the hospital as the doctor tells her about the news that Dominic has woke up but seems to have lost his memory. She happily thanks the doctor and go to find Dominic in his hospital bed wide awake and staring at the window.
"Good morning,my love" she greets him happily.
"And who are you?"Dominic asks looking confused.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm your wife" she says sheepishly and avoid his eyes while blushing.
"Oh I'm sorry, i seem to have lost my memories."
"Thats okay darling"Vithera says while smiling.
Just them his mom enters
"How is my son doing"his mom asks.
"Im fine urrgh?? Mom?" He asks uncertainty.
"Of course son" she smiles at him.
"I'm feeling better". Dominic smiles.

Author's note;

         Now we know how Vithera and Dominic are together.
Dominc forgot about his wife due to the accident.
  And Roshan died in the fire while to Saving Sarah. 

By Lilyrizzy 😌

Published on 23rd February 2024.

Love will find you Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora