chapter 15; Glimpse of the past.

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     Sarah's Pov..
  "W-what do you mean?" I ask as i look at Vithera who's looking at me with hatred in her eyes.
"Your husband was on a business trip and you couldn't wait to get into the pants of another man huh?" Vithera accuses.
"W-what are you saying? I've never done anything of that sort" i say while looking at Dominic with worried eyes .
"What prove do you have to accuse my wife" Dominic says.
"This!!" Vithera says as she pushes some sort of pictures out of a brown envelope. She then throws it on me as i quickly take a look of what shes saying. I then see a woman and a man sitting while the man touches her cheeks but the i realize that person is me and Roshan.
"No its not true, he was only removing a strand of hair." The second picture too was angled perfectly so that the third party will think they're kissing.
"This is not true, I'll never do something like that" I say and take a look at the pictures.
"What's this Sarah?"i hear Dominic question me.
"Cant you see!! she cheated in you with Roshan, and its obvious in the picture". Vithera says while looking at Roshan.
"R-roshan please tell them its nit true" I urge him.
"I'm sorry Sarah but everything here is true." Roshan says while taking his eyes off me.
"No this can't be" i screamed with tears in my eyes.
"It can when you're a two faced bitch" Vithera says
"D-dominic its not what you think, i wouldn't do something to hurt you please" i plead with him.
"How could you Sarah!"he screams angrily.. 
"I d-dint"i say in a soft voice.
"Then whats the picture and you went out with jim?" Dominic angrily says.
I then explain why i met with him was because of Roshan damaged phone but he didn't believe.
"I didn't know you were such a whore" Dominic says.
"N-no please listen to me" I try to explain.
"There's nothing to listen " Dominic says as he walks out of the house.
"W-where are you going?
"That's not your business, woman!" He angrily says.
I began walking to him but Vithera draggs me back and yanks my hair making me fall.
" You shouldn't have taken something that doesn't belong to you" Vithera says.
"W-what do you mean?" I ask as i begin to match the clues.
" I did this to you and I'm not going to lie" Vithera says as her eyes burn with hatred.
"How could you! W-what about you" i ask looking in the direction of Roshan as he looks anywhere but me.
"I work for madam Vithera and I'm sorry for what happened".
As i hear the bomb he just threw i began crying more.
"Now watch me as i get my first love back" vithera says as she runs after Dominic.
  "I-im sorry" Roshan says.
"G-get out!" I say without looking at him.
"I hope you can one day forgive me" Roshan says as he walks out.
I laid down crying my heart's out as i reflect on all what's happening.

Dominic's Pov...
Sarah is not that type of person but i dont trust that Roshan. I think while driving at high speed as yhere was no cars on the road. My phone starts ringing as i pick up.
"Dominic where are you?" Vithera asks.
"That's not your business"
"Please dont speed up, i know this is not easy for you".
"Are you done?" I ask
"Well yeah". I quickly cut the call.
But then i see a big tank car coming towards mine at high speed just as i was about to break, i found out that my brake is leaking while i had no idea. Just as i was about to turn around. The tank car crashed with mine making a loud*boom* before mine rolled over. I couldn't help but think of Sarah and how worried she'll be as i fall unconscious.

By Lilyrizzy 😌

Published on 23rd February 2024

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