chapter 18; Glimpse of the past

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Sarah's Pov...
I wake up and see the white walls there I'm at the hospital.soon the doctors checked my vitals and pulse as she tells me that the babies are safe and i can go home now. I thank her quickly and look for Roshan as he was the one who saved me.but i come across a woman and she tells me that she and her brother admitted me to the hospital and that Roshan couldn't make it as the house blasted while he tried to escape,I was soo sad i couldn't get off from the shock i felt.i was soo sad just then i realized my husband has no idea of what happened to me and he was also in the hospital.i quickly thank them as i go off to the hospital where Dominic was admitted 
As soon as i got there i saw Vithera making a phone call and i quickly lunged at her and slap her face.
"Are you happy now that you've killed Roshan?" I question her.
"Y-you why aren't you dead?"she looks horrified.
"And what do you mean Roshan is dead?
"Since that's what you wanted why are you surprised he's dead?". I question.
"N-no!!it was supposed to be you bitch" she screams and try to hit me but i dodge and kick her. Just then i saw Dominic's mother.
"I quickly rush to her"
"M-mother , she's behind all this please believe me!"
"What are you doing here?, oh right i need you to sign this" she says while pulling out some white papers with red writings. Then it dawned on me!!
"D-divorce papers?" No way im i going to sign. I say to myself.
"I want to see Dominic before i sign this" i say while looking at her mom.
"If you sign it I'll let you see him" she says.
Then i see Dominic's signature he really signed it. Without thinking i quickly sign it also as i was very eager to  see him.
"I-m done" i say while tearing up.
His Mom takes the paper and put it in her bag carefully.
" You finally signed it"i hear vithera say while looking happy.
"I want to see him" i say looking at his Mom.
"No you won't see anyone" his Mom says while walking away.
"Guards take this woman and throw her out"i hear vithera say.
"No  you can't do this to me!" I scream.
The guards immediately catch up to me and hold each of my arm while dragging me off. I screamed my lungs out as they dragged me catching others patients attention.
They then throw me out of the building and left.

      My life is doomed, everything i had, has been taken away from me. I'm never going to trust anyone again.From now onwards I'll live as a single mom. Then went go to the phone booth and quickly made a call to Angel as i ask her to pick me up.
"Are you okay Sarah? What happened? She ask the moment she arrived.
"Please take me from here." i plead to her as i walk towards her car and get inside. She keeps quiet and drives me to her home. As we arrived i then started tearing up and crying heavily.
"Everything was a trap, i should have known"
"Why are you saying that sarah" Angel asks and i tell her everything from the start as I kept crying.
"Oh that woman is soo vicious"
"But its ok,  everything will be fine"Angel assures me.
"But its not " i tear up.

               Just then we heard from the tv that Vithera is getting married to Dominic soo soon. I tear up. So the days to come will be lonely as I'll grief  in myself for the rest of the days to come.

By Lilyrizzy 😌

Published on 23rd February 2024

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