chapter 7

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Why is there no comment im freaking out😩!!!
   " H-hund-dred million!!?" Cassie exclaims.
"That's right girl, you heard me correctly".
  "B-but.... h-how? Soo much money." Cassie 'think straight you're not dreaming' i pinch myself to deel the pain.
" The money will only be given if you're able to accomplish the task, I'm to give you."
"What's the job, I'm supposed to do?.. w-ait! Is it killing?" I say in a small voice.
" If that's it hell no"
" You are to stay with my five grandsons but since you are a woman, I'd like you to dress as a guy and live with them."
  "B-but w-hy would you want me to live with your grandsons??" Cassie says
" Thats because i want to verify if they are really gay or straight" peter says.
"But why? Don't you see them with women??.. why me?" Cassie asks
"Consider yourself lucky dear"
I normally dont have many interaction with guys, but if im dressed as a man?? Then hell yes im in! Cassie thought.
  Cassie's Pov;

With that money! I can safe Mom and myself. We ccan come and live in the city. Mom won't have to sell the vegetables any more! I'm more than happy. I can finally relax a bit. Its just staying with five men and I'll be also dressed as a guy anyway so that's not a big deal.
  "W-when do i start?". I ask the old man.
" Anytime from here onwards but i guess you would have to prepare. So whenever you're ready" he takes out a black card and hand it to me.
"Just call the number and my guards will take you there where you'll be staying with those stubborn grandsons of mine."
  "Ohk.. then I'll try my best and be ready as soon as possible" then i pause.
  "I don't have men clothes nor do i have a mustache and shoes". I say
"Then let's get you some" Peter stands up and we head to the boutique for men's cloth and bought men's wig for her.
" What are the names of your grandsons?"I ask him.
" Well the older one 28 is called Liam and is a business man" he says.
" O-h so they're all business men"
" Kind of" he smiles
" And they are bachelors!??"
" Yes that's why i need you to find out whether they are gay or straight"
" Im sure they are straight" i tell him while shaking my head .
"How'd you know you haven't met them yet!" He says.
"Elias, Daniel,Alex,Falin are the rest" be adds.
" Ohhk."
"I think this is it for today so Miss Cassie whenever you're ready just call  my line"
"Thank you sir"i say happily.
Cassie got home and saw her mom anxiously standing at the gate with worried look.
"M-mom lets get you inside."I say.
"Oh dear. I was worried that something happened to you."
"Mom i told you nothing will happen.see im safe and sound.
I dont know what happened to my mom years back but she behaves strangely whenever I'm going away from her.I love her soo much that i dont want to see that worried looks on her face.

  "Mom i got a job" i shout, so that she hears me in the kitchen. 
"Really dear, that's soo good. I can now worry free". She jokes  whlies i smile.
I hate to see her cry over someone. I hate to see her sleep walk and i hate to hear her talk in her sleep .
" I'll be going away to do that work". And thats the worried face I'm talking about.
"I'm going with you" she says without hesitation.
"Mom i got this okay". I say
"So please stay home and wait for me to return to you."
  " And i promise to be safe" i say it before she does.
"I trust you Cassie"
" But dont put all your trust in people nowadays. Okay?".
"Ok Mom"i reassure her.

Your author here😩. 
I'm trying my best *mwah*
By lilinae
Published on 22nd February 2024

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