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I'm sitting at the bench while looking at the sunset. It feels good to be home once again. The air felt more fresh here and the view is still the most beautiful thing I ever remember. The only thing different now is the house never empty and there is no more Aunt Mi Kyung and I only. Since the boys come here following me, I never have silent moment anymore. The only silent time is when they all go to sleep. It's funny to me because I never thought that I could get used to them. I don't really like noisy and I always like to be alone that's why until now, I never had a close friend but since I moved to Jin's house and spend my time with them. It's become habit.

I enjoy my alone time at the outside bench while they making dinner. Too much cooks will spoil the soup, well that's happen in the kitchen right now. All 8 of them in the kitchen and they said they split the task equally but I don't think that happen right now because I could hear Yoongi voice and Ho Seok laughing so hard at something.

"Yah!! Yahh!!! Tae Hyung-ah!" Yoongi said.

"What is this?!" Ho Seok said while laughing.

"Hyung!! Is this right?" Jimin asked while the other argue and laughing at the same time.

"Just trust me!!!" Jin said. Hear them can make me laughing and it sound so funny. I don't need to see what they are doing right now I could imagine what it was like in there. I can expect the kitchen is in mess with pots and ingredient everywhere. I couldn't focus reading my book because of them. I keep listen and laughing at them.

I saw someone park his car in front of our yard. At first I don't recognize him but as he getting near, I feel a bit surprise to see him here. He carried something in his hand too.

"Hello...." CEO Kim greets me awkwardly. I stand up and bow at him like I used too.

"For you...." He said and gave me a bouquet of Baby Breath, my favorite flower.

"Thank you." I said and take it. I look at him and he doesn't look like his usual. He looks tired and haggard even though he wear his best suit.

"Can I talk with you?" He asked me. I never hear him talks with me in slow and respectful before so I feel awkward at his change.

"Sure." I said and I lead the way to the beach first. This is the only place we could talk without disturb. We walk side by side. CEO Kim still looks macho and handsome even though he aging right now. He's like a Pierce Brosnan or George Clooney. I could see who Jin takes after from his handsome look.

"Ji Ae.... I'm sorry." He said and stops walking. I also stop walking and look at him. All this time I want to hear this from him but when I hear from him now, I don't feel relieve at all. I feel sad. I don't want his apologizes after all. I want his love.

"I know all this time, I'm a stupid person. I'm really selfish and cruel toward you. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I still want to apologize because I want you to be at peace....." I saw tears fall on his cheek and he wiped it fast. I can see he really regret it. See him like this bring me more hurt and pain only. I don't want to see him cried because of me.

"Appa...." I called him and he look at me. I wiped his tear and he hold my hand without saying anything we both breakdown and cried. I don't want to see he blaming himself again and I want him at peace too. It's time for both of us start all over again and forget the past. Open the new chapter even though it a short one.

I bring CEO Kim home with me to join me dinner with the other too. Aunt Mi Kyung is at home after done with her morning shift. They all a bit surprise to see CEO Kim with me.

"Take a seat here." I said and let him sit down in the middle of the table while Aunt Mi Kyung sit down at the other end.

"I take another set of plate." Jin said. CEO Kim smile and nod at me awkwardly while looking at the other too. They all froze but when they saw I'm take a sit next to him, they all follow me and sit down too.

Last AutumnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora