9 : Ahn Hyo Seop POV

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I rushed outside upon seeing Uncle Kim dragging Ji Ae. It was the first time I witnessed Uncle Kim's coldness toward Ji Ae. Despite Jin's descriptions of their strained relationship, seeing him slap Ji Ae broke my heart. Ji Ae didn't deserve such mistreatment from her own father, especially for disagreeing with the sudden marriage proposal. I understood Ji Ae's stance, and I couldn't agree with this old-fashioned matchmaking either.

Leaning against the wall, tears fell as I listened to Ji Ae's pain. It was unbelievable that she chose to cut ties with her father because of me, and guilt overwhelmed me. Wanting to protect Ji Ae, I tried to leave, but Uncle Kim stood in front of me, looking surprised. I couldn't hide my disappointment.

"I'm sorry about tonight..." Uncle Kim began.

"I accept your apologies, but this relationship won't happen. The decision is between me and Ji Ae. I hope you'll understand," I stated in a cold voice, my anger evident.

"Ahn Hyo Seop..."

"Uncle, I really respect you as my father's friend and Jin's father. Tonight, I'm sorry for being rude, but I won't force Ji Ae to be with me if it's not what she wants," I asserted and left before doing something regrettable. I searched for Ji Ae, but she was no longer there. Running to find her, I saw her with Jin.

"Ji Ae-ah..." I called, noticing something wrong. She touched her stomach in pain, her face pale and sweating. Jin caught her in time, and I ran to them, feeling panic in the air.

"Kim Ji Ae!" Jin called, but she didn't respond.

"Hyo Seop-ah, car..." Jin said, and I rushed to the car park. Jin carried Ji Ae into my car, laying her on his lap. Throughout the drive to the hospital, I checked on them through the rearview mirror. It was the first time I saw Jin cry, looking scared. At the emergency room, a doctor rushes toward us.

"What happened to her?" The doctor asked Jin.

"Kim Ji Ae. 20 years old. She has Leukemia..." Jin said, his voice shaking with fear and panic. I looked at Jin, seeking confirmation, but he remained silent, his eyes revealing the harsh truth. It felt like a heavy blow, knocking the wind out of me. I leaned against the wall to steady myself.

I stood beside Jin as doctors and nurses rushed Ji Ae into a glass room. We both watched, tears streaming down our faces, as the medical team attended to her. Ji Ae lay on a cold bed, surrounded by wires, an oxygen mask covering her face. She appeared fragile and thin, a stark contrast to the vibrant, happy girl I knew. It was the first time I realized how unaware I had been of her silent battle.

Seated outside Ji Ae's room, tears continued to fall. Jin handed me a cup of warm coffee, and I understood why he had entrusted Ji Ae's care to me when he couldn't. I had assumed it was brotherly protectiveness, but the reality was far more devastating.

"Are you okay now?" Jin asked, a faint smile breaking through his calmer demeanor.

"How can you be so relaxed now?" I questioned, unable to comprehend his composure.

"This isn't the first time she's collapsed like this. She's been sick since she was 10, fighting silently. I found out a few years ago..." Jin's voice wavered as tears choked his words.

"Is she really in bad condition now?" I asked, desperately hoping I had misheard the doctor.

Jin nodded, and the weight in the air grew heavier. "The doctor thinks she has less than 6 months."

Silence enveloped us, broken only by Jin's ringing phone. Aunt Mi Kyung joined us, and Jin gestured towards Ji Ae's room.

"Please go in first. I need to answer this call," Jin said, allowing Aunt Mi Kyung to be with Ji Ae. I take a seat again and let Jin answer his phone.

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