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Looking up at the blue sky makes me feel a bit relaxed and joyful. This is what I do if I feel a bit down. I take a deep breath and am thankful for every second I am still alive. Failure is not the end, but just the beginning. That's my belief. I'd go home, and it's time to have dinner. I couldn't miss this because Kim Seok Jin wants to share some good news with us. Kim Seok Jin is my half-brother; we share the same father.

"Aunty... I'm home," I said right after I open the door. I take my shoes off and go inside. I see Aunt Lee Mi Kyung standing while my father and Jin are sitting down. I don't like this atmosphere. I can see how tense my father and Aunt Mi Kyung are. Both of them are like the South and the North Pole. They never seem to be on the same page, as far as I can recall. I look at Jin and try to read why the air feels so heavy here. I put my bag on the dining table and stand next to Aunt Mi Kyung.

"Since you're here, I think I should tell you now," my father said. I never like his tone when he's talking to me. Whatever comes out of his mouth is all orders, and he doesn't take 'No' for an answer either.

"What is it?" I asked, just wanting to cut to the chase. It's better this way, and I don't need to listen to him much longer.

"You will come with me to Seoul, but you will stay in a different place. I've already prepared everything you might need," he said, and I look at Jin once again.

"Why now?" I asked, but he already stands up.

"No reason... I must go now. I still have work to do," he said and walks past me.

"Is talking with me going to make you lose your money? You haven't seen me for quite some time, but you don't even ask me how I was doing. Now, you're telling me to move back to Seoul when you think you need me. But if you think you don't, you will throw me back here..." I speak up, making my father tense, and he looks into my eyes.

"I came here not to hear you mumbling something nonsense..."

"So only I could hear you talking nonsense..."

"Then it's up to you if you want to come or not, but..."

"BUT..." I smirk and look at him in the eyes. I challenge him now. Too tired to think about his feelings now. I want him to know what I feel.

"Since I was born until now, you never bothered to ask for my opinion. You never treated me as your daughter, and you only take 'Yes' for an answer. Am I your slave or what?" I asked, and in a split second, I felt something burn on my cheek. He just slapped me, and I just smirk at him once again.

"CEO Kim, I couldn't feel pain anymore because of you."

"Never be thankful..." He said and left. I bite my lips to stop the tears from falling. I look at Aunt Mi Kyung and Jin. Both of them just keep quiet, watching me turn into someone else. I never talked back to him before. All I did was say 'Yes' and 'Ok.'

"Kim Ji Ae, are you okay?" Aunt Mi Kyung asked, but I just smile bitterly at her.

"I will take a shower first and have dinner with you two," I said and walk to my bedroom. I sit down on my bed for a while then take a warm shower. I just cry out, and when I feel better, I go out and smile like nothing happened before.

On the dining table, there are so many side dishes that I like, and I smile. Jin and Aunt Mi Kyung look at me like I was out of my mind. They both don't say anything and just watch every move I make. I wonder how I look. I bet my eyes must be so puffy, and my nose is red like Rudolf the reindeer.

"Wae?" I asked finally after I chew and swallow my food.

"Are you really okay?" Jin asked.

"There is nothing new for me, and he never says a nice thing to me too. So why do you look at me like that?"

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