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I never saw Jin so emotional before tonight. I never thought that what I've been doing all this time is wrong. I always consider others in my decisions, and I reflect on them repeatedly. Yes, maybe I'm young and lack much life experience, but I've witnessed what's happening around me and learned from my own mistakes.

Jin said I'm selfish, and I'm bewildered by it. I watch him walk away to his room, and Hyo Seop stands there, observing us. I don't know what to do now. I'm still stunned by what Jin said. I sink back into the sofa, and Aunt Mi Kyung, unsure of what to say, quietly puts all the pictures back into the box. I stop her because I want to see my mother's pictures. Seeing them brings mixed feelings — gladness and sadness for what she did in the past. When I look at her pictures, I can't help but think about Jin and his big heart. How can he love me, the daughter of the woman who destroyed his family? Yet, he loves me unconditionally, always there when I need him, providing strength when I'm weak, bringing a smile to my face when I'm down, and cheering me up when I feel like giving up.

"Oppa..." I call Jin and walk into his room. Hyo Seop leaves, giving us space to talk.

"I'm sorry," I say, truly meaning it. I don't want my actions to hurt Jin any more than they already have.

"Why are you apologizing? What is it for?" Jin asks.

"For what my mother did to you and your mother... I never knew who my mother was, and I always thought she was a wonderful person because she could love someone like our father. Little did I know that I'm also a sinner..." I don't know if my mother ever apologized to Jin and his mother, but even though this apology seems very late, I still want to make amends.

"You're not, Ji Ae. There's nothing for me to forgive you because this is not your fault."

"Oppa, thank you for all you've done for me."

"If you want to thank me, then do this for me," Jin says, referring to the play he mentioned earlier.

"I don't know..."

"For me," Jin insists, looking into my eyes.

"If this could make you happy, then I will do it for you. I will do anything for you as long as you're happy. Maybe what I'm doing now can't compare to your big heart, but still... I want to do it for you."

"Really?" Jin asks, and I nod.



Here I am, standing outside the building, still wondering if I made the right decision. But I want to trust Jin this time. This time I'm not doing it for myself but for Jin and his friends too. They trust me, so I should trust them as well. There's no harm in giving it another try, right? I walk into the building and head to the studio that Jin has already rented for us. I open the door and see Jin and his friends.

"Welcome," Jin says, and I smile, happy to see him smiling too.

"Thank you," I reply and walk closer to them. I notice a few new faces among them, and I bow and greet them.

"Hello," I say.

"This is my friend, Mr. Moon. He's the director for our play. And this is Mr. Seo, he's the choreographer," Hyo Seop introduces them. I bow to them once again.

"Is the play a big scale?" I joke, but I genuinely mean it. They laugh at my silly question.

"It's not big, but we want it for a good cause, and we will promote it too," Jin explains.

"Promote it? Why?" I ask. Jin holds my hand but continues smiling.

"Have a seat first. Do you want a cold drink?" Jin said, gesturing towards an empty chair, and he let me sit down next to Jimin.

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