Chapter three: The story of the world

Start from the beginning

"The sharks and humans were the only races at risk here however, so what if" The light moved to the next wall "They combined the two? To make sure their ancestry could survive 6 figures came together to create you and me and grantee we could still live on. Theses six figures left behind gifts, powers that would be given to people with strong intentions who want to make an impact on the world" the light moved to the respective people around the center carving:

"The gift of Alife, named after the last human male a great artist, people who have this gift have powers usually in a supporting role and have artistic powers that show in their ability.

⁠The gift of Malgira, named after the first shark-human a great development in history, people with this gift are closer to the water and have more control and can take any form.

⁠The gift of  Kelling, named after the last human women alive a great scientist, these people have more knowledge than the average person and this can stem into combat Aswell

The gift of Longen, named after one of the last male shark a great influencer, these people are persuasive and often misconnected for using mind control their charisma can be the stem of their powers.

The gift of Brate, named after one of the last male shark a great fighter, these people gain their power through natural strength however not the strongest by far they have a significant advantage over any task.

The gift of Leaging, named after the last female shark, these people's leadership combines all of the gifts however with all gifts comes less powerful versions and are very rare."

Fern realized that this is what Harth had been talking about, that the people surrounding them had some sort of magical ability like a fairy tale? Fern began jotting down everything that happened around them in an inhumane rate.

"But one more gift was given" the room cut to pitch black before making its way to the last carving.

"The gift of Desimation, named after the extinction, this gift is given to people who will do anything if angered enough you must have immense power worldwide. If you ever run into someone with this gift ... just keep on running because it may just be the end of you as a whole there's currently 3 people in the world who hold this gift and will forever be no more no less"

The lights curled back up "Well that's it for the story of the Desimation, yet don't frown we still have lots more to go through" the museum guide said in an upbeat tone while the whole room gave out a sigh "HEY EXCUSE ME SIR DO YOU HAVE ANY WATER!" Kate shouted from behind "I NEED SOME WATER" Bart was crying "please don't give her water she has Malgira and she's using her ability to torture me". When Fern heard that she looked around the room for the malgira plaque underneath it read "People with this gift can have any sort of ability yet the strength scales off how close they are to water. "Harth, I think we need to take them away you stay ill handle them" Lone commented on the situation behind them "Fern would you like to follow me?" Harth shouted but then changing her tone to a whisper while talking to Lone "Take them to the beach I can watch from afar" Fern wondered how that would help, you'd expect being close to water would make the situation worse "Promise me you'll be, ok?" Lone said as Harth replied with a nod and a smile.

Harth took Fern to the top of a Mountain, it was eerie it had graves inched in every direction yet when you got to the top you could see the golden beach and the flowing water laced with the bronze sky. Harth sat feet hanging off from the edge of the cliff looking down at the others "So you really didn't know?" Fern looked surprised "You want to learn more about us all, yes? You want to discover the secret of the world, yes?" Fern set down beside her clenching their notebook "What's their powers?" Fern got straight to the point after the moment of silence "Barts gift is Alife and her ability lets her summon tea at will, don't drink it, it will always have a side effect even if it has the chance to be good it's not worth it" Harth spoke with annoyance every time she mentioned Bart "Kate's gift is Malgira and her power lets her create certain thoughts in others head, how close the recipient is to water the more hard it is to distinguish them to their own thoughts." Fern makes a face to show that they've understood "Halobean has Alife, I haven't seen her use her ability before, but she has claimed she has" Fern scribbles everyone in their book "Michelle has Kelling yet she hasn't found her ability's use yet, and so did Coleman." Fern could tell Harth clearly left some peoples out on purpose "How do you know if you have a gift?" Fern was intrigued "Most people find out by themselves, but some people can tell by people's eyes" Harth replied. Fern stared deeply into Harth's eyes but the only thing she could notice was her mismatched blue and red eyes.

"You know if you want to find out about other stories, you first need to accept your own."

Harth uttered those words while looking down at Ferns journal humbling, Fern slowly followed Harth's gaze down to their book. "HAHA YOUR ABILITY WEARED OFF! NOW YOU NEED TO ACCEPT THE PUNISHMENT" Fern was shaken when they heard Barts screams from down on the beach "Bart put that cup down" Lone responded loudly trying to make sure Harth thought everything was under control, "Well" Harth jumps up "I think that's my que" Fern follows behind slowly until mid-way down the mountain were Harth stops suddenly.

"Lone can see people's abilities, if you're wondering about your own, I'm sure he can help."

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