Who Cares About The Money?

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After Merida and Izzy stepped through the portal and stepped back onto the green grass of the Hawaiian jungle, the swirling mass of colours closed up behind them. Izzy took a deep breath, her nerves somewhat going on edge being back here, but the presence of the others helped keep her calm and grounded. Merida wrapped her in a one armed hug, then faced the others.

"So you met our friends", the princess began. "And since we're away from it all... what do you lot think?"

The others all shared looks. "I liked them!" Owen cheered. "They're all really nice, especially Caleb. I really want to see them all again!"

"I want to convince Ralph to arm wrestle me more than ever now", Eva said with a confident smirk. "I bet I could best him. Maybe even... the skeleton turtle thing you guys hangout with..." She snapped her fingers. "Dry Bowser."

"Scrap Baby was surprisingly civil", Courtney said thoughtfully. "She was very soft spoken and blunt, I wouldn't mind going out to maybe get a cup of coffee with her."

"I'll be honest, Blossom and Ruby surprised me", Gwen admitted with a shrug. "And while I do feel like there's a bit too much colour for my liking, I do love how decorative the whole place was. Especially the hallway."

Noah smiled at Izzy. "Gotta admit, Iz, I'm kinda upset you didn't tell us about these guys sooner."

"Why?" Izzy asked, looking a bit panicked.

"Because… They're all great." He gave her his iconic smug smirk. "The fact you got to hog all these great people to yourself wasn't that fair in my eyes."

Izzy blushed in embarrassment as she took in Noah's tone, and looked away with a small smile. "O-Oh... Yeah, I guess I should've shared my amazing friends sooner, huh?" She smiled a bit brighter. "I just didn't think you guys would believe me... That's why I didn't tell you three."

"You mean five", Noah corrected. Everyone looked at him in confusion, and he looked at Gwen and Courtney with a smirk. "After everything that's happened, you two think I wou;don't include you? Like Merida, you two are now part of Team E-Scope whether you like it or not."

"Awesome!" Owen ran over and brought the goth and Ex-CIT into a pair of hugs. "We're going to have so much fun!"

Courtney was absolutely shocked, looking at the bookworm with wide eyes. "W-Wait, really? After everything I did, after I attacked Gwen, I cheated and sued my way back onto the second season... You guys would still consider me a friend?"

Eva shrugged. "You're the only person left from the Bass I didn't fully hate, and after I chilled out between seasons, I realised you were kinda cool. Helped with us hanging out at the resort and all."

"And plus, you're still my friend Court", Gwen said with a smile. "Me and you and Merida against Heather. Heck... I realised I'd rather have a bunch of great friends than one crummy boyfriend."

"And that's what makes our little bunch of weirdos so special to me and Iz", Merida said with a beaming smile. "It helps us just... think. Think who we are and what we truly want."

The Type A's face was blank for a moment, before she let out a chuckle and relaxed into Owen's hug more. "Okay... Okay, fine, you got me. After last season, yeah, I wanted more friends. I still did like Duncan… But maybe I'll find my special someone some other day." She looked at the pair of redheads, who both smiled back at her.

"Okay, we got all of that out of the way", Gwen said, laughing a bit as she freed herself from Owen's grasp. Her smile fell into a serious look as she faced Merida. "What are we going to do now? Just watch the finale and... what, go home after?"

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